This is my first map on forgehub. It is very fun and easy to play. This map took me three days to make. Although it is big there are parts for every type of player. There is CQB, which is in the tunnel so you are not only playing from far away. There is too sniper spots, one on each base for the people that feel the need to snipe. There are vehicles on both sides for those people that like to use them. There also is power weapons only two but they are needed to take out the vehicles. And then last but not least the normal range fighters with their assault rifles and battle rifles along with the two brute shots which is most of the map. so in all it is a well rounded map that is merged and symmetric on both sides so enjoy and please download and rate good thank you. -Captin ADD at your service- Download Here Whole Map Center Piece Side Ramp in Middle Part of the Tunnel Another part of the Tunnel Blue Side Warthog Mongoose and Chopper
That looks nice for your first map, but as far as playability goes, this is pretty bad. There is virtually no cover, which is no doubt emphasized by spawning with a sniper right in front to you(speaking of which, did you make it so you have to nade jump to get to the sniper? There also seems to be a serious lack of weapons on the map. Sniper and missile pod at base, a shotgun in the middle, an ar on the hill, and a plasma pistol and magnum in the tunnel. Maybe there are more, but as far as I can tell it's very barren. Also, while no doubt aesthetically pleasing, having a giant tunnel does not lead to good game-play. One room with one entrance and one exit sucks, and it takes away the ability to jump and strafe. I see no reason to put fusion coils right next to the shotgun. You are either going to shoot them before you get there, or they will be shot before you get there. Also, the forging itself is very minimalistic. Bases made out of 16 pieces, a one way tunnel, and more of the same for the other structures. The center structure looks nice, but that is about all the aesthetic thought that seems to have been put into it. The sniper spawn looks lazy and just thrown together, as do the bases too really. The turrets are either ridiculousness overpowered with complete control over the map, or blocked by the tunnel, I cant tell which. There is also little to no risk versus reward put into this map. The shotgun, one of the most useless weapons on a map like this, is put in the center with no cover, while the AR, another useless weapon is on top of a hill making you even bigger sniper bait. To contrast that, you spawn with the 2 most powerful weapons on the map right next to you. Also, with only a PP, magnum and regen, there is really no reason to go into the tunnel. To end, I want to say that I'm not bashing you. You are very inexperienced, and it shows. However, ignorance is no indication of a lack of skill. I would recommend that you first go over to forging 101 and learn the basics of forging, and also take a look at some of the more celebrated maps, and learn what hey did that made there maps great. The main thing to take out of these maps is their effective weapon placement, the correct amount of cover, risk versus reward, line of sight, as well as map flow. Also, I haven't DL'd, so I don't know how well you placed your spawns, but, as much as I hate to say it, you probably need help with them too as they are some of the trickiest parts of forging. You can find an excellent guide to spawns in forging 101. EDIT: Wow, I really am a wordy bastard. Sorry, but I hope it helps.
I personally try to never use tubes. I think they look ugly from the inside and outside. So, I don't see me downloading this map and another thing about it is that its just tubes. It like a really bad conquest map. If you plan to not use the tube you really can't do anything cause there is no cover anywhere.
OverallIf this is your first map, which it appears that it just might be, I am deeply impressed. This map shows a true understanding that neatness is important. Also, I have never seen a map like this ever. Unfortunately, thats not a very good thing in any stretch of the imagination. You have a very boring, wide open palate with a couple parts of an amazing map, but missing the little tiny things that make people like it. You have four structures total; two bases, a tunnel, and a random block. The majority of really goo maps have so many structures that almost every single thing connects to another, which brings me to flow. Your map is so spaced out it interrupts anything that could be imagined as flowy or cool. AestheticsHere I am not comepletely sure what to say. If you have 200 people make this map, using the exact same peices, yours is definately the neatest. It is almost too perfect, and has the air of a pianist who learns their music to perfection, and then beyond to the point at which it looses emotion and error, which are what gives it fealing, and what each person relates to. The same with art; this is more like looking at architectual plans than a beautiful redition of "Starry Night." Basically, you didnt leave any room for prettyness, or the things that people will remember in your map, or in other words you were too good. This can easily be fixed if you take a huge amount of time in making your map flow in strange creative ways, that no other maps even try to do. That is one of the most important things in making some of the OMG things that you see in featured maps. DynamicsYeah, your map gets its own personal subsection that no other map gets, just because this is something that really needs to be said. You map is brilliant drafting wise, but artistically and imaginatively nothing, which has nothing to do with this: Your map is almost like a really big conquest map, and the line of battle keeps pushing a little forward then falling a little back. This problem create masses of multi-teaming, which means only teams with good communication can win anything. Essentially, this can be fixed with more structures that can add to the gameplay. I wont have a gameplay section for this, because its so unique that you might as well be playing on a canvas. GradeJust work on making sure that you can add a bunch of awesome structures. I recommend that you try really hard, and I wont rate it becuase it plays like half a map. Think on what I said, and consider the following; Ask if anyone wants to use it as a template, and give away your idea for half credit. I see way too much potential in this map, and if you dont want to finish it, then someone needs too, and they need to do it now! Also, your name needs some work. ------Possible Grade: 10/10 PLUS FEATURZ------