Title Says most of it. state your best medals, the weapon, difficulty,map and skulls on when you got it. My #1: Medal-Killimanjaro Map-Windward Difficulty-Easy Skulls-Tough luck Weps-Silenced SMG(had no ammo) Sniper Rifle I sniper killed 7 grunts and drones in a cornered off room. #2: Medal-Invincible Map-Windward Difficulty-Easy Skulls-Tough Luck, Black Eye, Catch Weps-SSMG, Auto-Mag got my 100th kill without a death in between.
Y35 and I played on First Platoon, got 180,000 ish. 110 ish splatters from me alone... but I ended game so none of the game got recorded on b.net. Oh and I got an invincible from just being in a chopper.
i only played like 2 full games (until out of lives) but: 2 invincibles in one game on lost platoon i also had a sick killtacular with one laser shot and a killtrocity splatter - group of grunts vs. my chopper
I got an intense Hero Medal on round two wave five when I was last man half way through the wave. Everyone was amazed I survived. And I have 199 assists (What's with the no Wheel man medals?) with most coming in one or two games.
I could easily see myself getting Endure on Lost Platoon, 2 on a chopper, 2 with the hog, and a person in the hog carries the laser for the wraiths.
Killpocalypse (9 kills) with my chopper (Splatters Only) lol and 740 kills with the chopper in one fire fight match and 4 invincibles http://www.bungie.net/stats/odstg.aspx?player=Blep1337&gameid=15258846
i got a killionaire when on the gunner of the hog on a chopper i boosted 1 time at a group of grunts and got a killtastrophie. and have also gotten invincibles .
I got a Wheelman Spree on Lost Platoon(I don't know the right name, my screen sucks) where my friend got at least 100 kills, and me getting a ton of splatter medals. Oh, and a Killionare/Invincible be firing a rocket into a ground of grunts on the Bonus Round.
Last night I did a Heroic match on Alpha Site. Played alone. I got 5 Invincible metals, a killtrocity, and 654 headshots. Clicky