Sandbox PicassosRevenge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by forgekid, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. forgekid

    forgekid Ancient
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    PicassosRevenge started as Picasso's nightmare. A spiraled stone staircase rose up into the sky and then was consumed in the middle by a flaming ball of humming fire. Pieces of debris and rubble and random objects began appearing floating around this center piece of insanity and grew and grew until a field of these objects were floating in his view. Then two large organized based began to form at either end of the debris field. The worst he has hoped began to become true...organized structures. Then just as quickly the bases lit up with two opposing colors. Then weapons rained down onto pieces of the debris field. The most powerful being near the burning sun in the middle of the debris field. All of this was happening on the sandy wasteland of Sandbox. Then each base started to be equipped by close range weapons. The gate to the bases were covered by a strange electric field that was impenatrable by firepower but allowed spartans and elites to pass with ease. Then the whole 3 Dimensional painting inside this nightmare became vivid with color and the sun gained a purple glow at its core. Now the sound of spartans and elites being born into battle are apparnent. What are they playing? CTF? Assault? Any gametype could be possible as all spawns were created equal. The fighting began and the players rejoiced. The sounds of war were fading as he awoke and found this map gracefully created on his XBOX 360...who know Picasso made Forge maps eh?

    Gametypes available
    All gametypes supported for this map. Recommended however is slayer, CTF and Assault as the jumps are possible with each of the heavy items.

    Weapongs Available
    1 Spartan laser
    1 Rocket
    2 sniper rifles
    battle rifles
    2 gravity hammers
    all kinds of grenades

    Enjoy the insanity of the floating playground.






    IF you fall off...there is a teleporter at the base of the stairs that zooms you to halfway up them where you can then get back to the crazy debris.

    #1 forgekid, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  2. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I kinda like the idea of it although because its not in the sky bubble i think a bulk of the time spent playing will be running on the ground to the staircase to get back up. The story is kinda interesting too.
    Good job on the post as well
  3. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    While the one base you have made looks nicely forged, this is definitely in no way a competitive map. I highly doubt it has good gameplay. Should be in the casual section.
  4. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    im gonna have to agree with Nick james, the map itself may look good, but the gameplay is sadly awful. The weapons are scattered randomly about the map, and the spawns are predictable so again put this in casual section
  5. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Would have been better in the SkyBubble. If it isn't too much trouble, if you do decide to remake it in the SkyBubble please contact me so I can give a full review and hopefully a download aswell!
  6. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    This would've been much better off in the SkyBubble... It looks interesting, but I'm gonna have to pass on it because I know all the games break down into killing each other on the ground floor.

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