TWE Enigshore

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Voi69, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Voi69

    Voi69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The TWE Team is nice to present his first puzzle map

    1 player

    This is a mystery, and you are alone...
    Hello everyone, I decide to post this map because it is my first puzzle map.
    Please make good comments (PS: I am french, I have not got a perfect English skill)


    1st problem:

    2nd problem:

    3rd problem:

    4th problem:

    5th problem:

    6th problem:

    Last problem:


    1-Hey, there is something in the surface of the water!

    2-Why is there a grenade?
    3-If a grenade blow up, a fusion coil blow up too!

    4-A sniper riffle can shot something distant
    5-Boum, an other explosion 6-I would like to translate myself

    7-The things are not closed everytime

    8-Everithing closed could be empty

    9-It scks, I have to restart
    8,5- Hey, there are fusion coils. Quick!
    9-Oh yes, we are arrive in time.

    10- Now, your jumps will give you the skull
    #1 Voi69, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
  2. skunkchop

    skunkchop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the hints, it seems like a simple map.
    I could be dead wrong of course, I'll have to d/l it and see.
    The Forging looks smooth, although I don't care about that a lot.
  3. Voi69

    Voi69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My forge skills does not serve a lot because this map take the most of the objects. I want now to test a type of puzzle map on Sandbox.

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