-----246----- Download Now! Description 246 is named that because quite frankly I have run out of good ideas for names. 246 has 2 bases on either corner of Sandbox with a basement below them to house a warthog and mongoose. There is a walkway floating above the middle of the map above the block path that is setup going through the middle. There are ramps to get to that pathway. The block pathway connects the two bases together. It's a fun map for sure. There are two sniper towers with two methods to get to each. Also...the middle wall extends far enough into the forbidden zone that you will die even on a motor vehicle trying to go around it. Weapons 1 rocket launcher 2 gravity hammers 6 battle riffles 4 maulers 2 carbines Equipment 6 plasma grenades 2 fire grenades 4 spike grenades Game Types Supported CTF, Assault, Slayer Hope you all enjoy this map. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Your wall is ugly as hell + you can jump on it (even without a nade jump), the structures are uninspired, 2 grav hammers are to much (for my taste) and maps like this have been made 1000 times (mostly better), be a little more creative and take your time to forge ...
Why thank you. I agree that the wall was wonderfully made and is hard to get over unless you really try. I too agree that it is truly hard to find the two gravity hammers that rarely spawn and is a good addition. You liked the creative ways that you can get around and the inspired basement of the bases where you can move about easily? Thank you kind sir. I love it when I get good positive encouragement like this.
So welcome to Forgehub and ignore the idiotic ass, he hasn't yet figured out how things work here : ) So I do agree the map is a little uncreative and so are the structures, but I do see some not bad forgeing and some pretty good ideas, plus game-play doesn't look like it would be that bad either. For a first attempt it's well done and congratz on getting your post right the first time, most new members have a hard time with that. As for what you might consider changing: Try to create more interesting and unique structures, like the kind that makes people go "wow, this looks sick" i guarantee it'll make the map much better. Also, either remove the warthog and close the map up a bit more, or open it wayyyy up because right now the map is a mix of both, which won't really work that well i don't think. Anyway just a few idea's and again not a bad map for a first try. Good job.
How things work? Things work like that: 20 new maps every day, 19 of them suck (like this one) 1 is average, maybe good and once a month great. If a map is trash, i say it, there is no excuse for a "fist map" or something like that, its just a bad, poorly forged map, i wouldnt dare to show this to anyone. Figure out how things work for your self first, a join date and a postcount arnt everything, if someone cant take critisism for a "map" like that, you dont have to defend him ... (+ u mad because i did the same thing to your "map"? (I just told the truth, learn how to forge, if you dont want to go play some grifball) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/87702-delta-down.html#post1042282 <-- I lol'd )
I am so happy that you love my map so much you want to give it more praise again. Thanks so much. Hope you have fun playing on it. Because your map is so great too.
First of all, lets not get all pissy like thirteen year old girls. Overall ProblemsBack on topic, I do agree that while your bases are very intellectually made, they still arent original. They have great gameplay, but stale great gameplay. Next problem is definately your wall. It is absolutely brilliant, but its so easy to go over, or simply through. That is a huge problem, that requires a lot of edication to fix. Third, you made the mistake that every single person who ever posted a map does almost every other time; you had bogus spawns, that were way to easy to predict in some ways, and random as well as nonsensicle in others. Dont worry about that though, because only five or six people really take the time to get their spawns good. Those are people who have no life (but get featurz.) Finally, weapon placement. It is impossible to have too many weapons? False. It is way too easy to do that. That majority of maps can still work with no problems even if you only use one or two weapons total. That is something that the majority of people, once again, never learn. AestheticsThis is where things are most confusing, especially to a newer member. Every single part of your map is very unique and original, but feels old and boring. Your biggest problem is that you do not have a single huge OMG awesome thing that makes your map stand out. To quote someone (sorry, I cant remember your name. Whoever said it just let me know so that I can give credit) "Every good map, or map that is well liked among the community has at least one amazing stucture, be it a room made entirely out of gold, a giant hand, or simply a base that flows like dierria." This is really what I use to inspire myself when creating a new map, and you should ask youself this question; Does this map have anything that will make people remember it? If no, then your map has no chance of being anything above average. DynamicsHere is were most of your problems are, mostly because this encompasses almost everything non aesthetic. Basically, play a lot of custom maps, make a bunch, and simply work on all of these little things that make sure that you can get everything to work correct on your map. For example, you wall is too short and it is somewhat sloppy. Also, you have way too many weapons that could be moved, or simply removed to advance gameplay even further. Also, you always want to try to interlock things to make ramps as opposed to the little stairways. Some players are vertically challenged, and need all the help they can get! I cant say much here, but work on it. RatingThe overall gist of this is that you are very inexperianced, and it shows. Also, take the time to come up with a name. ------246------ is really lame. My opinion on this map is 6/10 because it is a wonderful idea. But, a terrible name (seperation would even be better) along with all sorts of little problems just bring it down to a slightly below average level. For more suggestions, just pm me and I will do my best to help in every way I can.