First note: Grif Wall Ball isn't lost or given up on, it's still being tested, it'll be up soon. However, in the mean time, working with Longshore, I had a fun mini-game idea. The Fishy Plague! So it basically works like this: Humans have high gravity, (so if they go in the water walkways they're screwed) and all their other stats are normal. They have a constant waypoint visible to all, have no radar, forced colour black and cannot pick up weapons. Zombies have normal gravity, are quick, have a five second weapon pickup on death, (meaning there are three classes of zombies, plasma pistol, plasma turret, and a mauler zombie) low damage and low health. They also have enhanced radars of 25m, and no forced colour (colourful fishies!!) Zombie team work is crucial. On with photos!
Looks great. I think you may want to put some more cover in, particularly around the water front. (first post!)
Good idea, but i think it'd be a lot more fun with fast and weaker zombies. It'd be more exciting to have a horde pop out from underwater real fast than to see one slowly walk out. Just a thought.
I agree with this. Maybe give the zombies besides Swords? The traditional 'Zombies with Swords' style of gameplay just feels like I'm playing any other zombie game. EDIT: Maybe give the Zombies Maulers?
No, plasma rifles, it will look like the fish are using some sort of weird plasma-related splash attack against the humans. I think if the gametype works this can be pretty fun. I also like the setting of the dock in general where you put it, it seems sort of zombie-fish related, what say you? I think so. Keep working on this, I'd like to see it.
Or give the Alpha Zombies Maulers and all the other Zombies Plasma Rifles (or vice versa.) It'll add a sense of team work to them and have a the Plasma zombies take down the shields while the Mauler zombies go in and kill them.
Also, you should make an area out in the water, like on a boat, where all the power weapons/ammo are. It could add some Risk vs. Reward to the game. I'm aware that the boats don't really float, but you could probably put them on a little immovable object or something and make it so you have to hop along them to get to the one boat with the best weapons. If you could pull something like that off, it could really add a little something to the game in my opinion.
Okay, so I can't post any new pictures right at the moment, but I am fairly sure that the game is ready to be tested. Changes from first post: Fast, weak, zombies. Normal humans Humans are forced colour black with way-points visible to everyone. Zombies have no forced colour (because they're multi-coloured fishies =D) Humans have no weapon pickup Zombies have "evolutionary" weapon pickup. They start in hallway with alot of weapons which spawn late into game (start, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 150, 180) with weak weapons spawning first strong weapons last. They can only pick up weapons for five seconds after spawn. That's basically it, i'll post some new pictures soon. Added tard-rails on the underwater walk ways (it's kind of hard to see)
cannot wait. oh wait yeah i can i can't afford odst yet so i can wait a bit nice map though definate dl when starts working again
This looks really awsome. Reminds me of the swamp monster, but in this case the undead Fronk. nice merging by the way.
yeah the large boat sounds like a good idea. I also don't think the mauler is an option as a starting weapon, i could be wrong.