Google Desktop A free desktop widget editor, with widgets such as Clocks, Calendars, RSS Feeds, etc. High levels of Customizability, it's possible to make a widget yourself, place a widget ANYWHERE on screen, and even make it always appear on top, so for example you might see a clock over a window. Google Earth A free 3D Model of the Earth with detail that can distinguish a person from another. Create Icons to signify locations, search for something as simple as "Big Ben" and immediately get results for it's location, not only is this Google Earth, but it also has: Stars, Explore the cosmos from advanced satellite data, Explore mars with detail, under the ocean. Is this just pictures? No, this has optional terrain, making the terrain stick out! Use the built-in flight simulator if you want to. Google Sketchup models can be exported to Google Earth, make a fake Space station, find real models of entire cities! Plan out trips using Google Earth's destination plotter, always get lost when driving? With Google Earth, you can get simple Point A to Point B instructions. Explore Google Earth with a simply Google Desktop Widget. "When your on the net, on the net you will stay because the whole Google Earth is just one click away!" - CollegeHumor "When your on the net, why would you go outside, why be out in the world, you could be worldwide!" - CollegeHumor You should add a Google Section, because this company does everything.
If you want, but generally programs work on both Mac OS's and Windows OS's. If someone else posts a google thing, then I'll consider it. But I don't see much point atm with only three programs. Somehow missed your post. Sorry. Added, and downloaded because I like it
Yea i think you need to categorize these a bit better. There are different forms of media applications, some, like VLC and WMP only play media you already have. Some like iTunes play your music and you can purchase more from them, and then you have Spotify where you can only use their media.
SUPERAntiSpyware (Anti-Virus) Abexo (Registry Cleaner) Paint.NET (Photo Editing) ffdshow (Video Decoder) (ffdshow) DivX (Video Player)
Add CCCP to that list. CCCP - Combined Community Codec Pack Ultimate codec program with every codec you'll ever need. I've used it for years.
Change 'IM' to 'Instant Messaging' Change 'Editing and Design' to 'Capturing, Editing and Design' Change 'other' in above category to '3 Dimentional'
Your spam is appreciated. And am now going to get to work on all the new suggestions. I'll also add Clamwin to the mix (a pretty flawless AV)