Hey guys! I havent been on in forever but I just wanted to throw out that I will be doing the Vidmaster's Annual, Deja Vu, and whatever that Firefight on Heroic one this weekend. I don't have set dates or times yet but if you are interested you must... HAVE A MIC. If you don't have a mic, I will boot you out of my game Have some legendary experience. I want people who know what they are doing and don't suck total ass Be able to go on at almost any time during the day this weekend. (mostly Friday and Saturday) This probably won't be the last time someone is doing this and if I don't get them this weekend I will keep trying. If you are interested in participating, please add me (Kappa Beta) and then post here with your GT. Thanks for all your help.
Sure, I'm up for this, I have a mic, done H3 on Ledg, and most of ODST on Ledg coop. Timezone: GMT GT: SmokinWaffle
Ya I need Deja vu, firefight, and the one where I need liutenet (don't mind my spelling) because i haven't bin playing alot timezone est gt Blakem0n92
GT: HomerSPC TZ: Central (Currently) I'm not going to be on today from 1:00 to about 4:00, but other than that, I can play.
dude! me and mavrick145 will deff help you. we only need deja vu and the firefight one. ill be on netime GT: FreshLegend