Halo 3 ODST: Fail or Success? (in your opinion)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I hear this a lot and it really irritates me. What people don't realize is that a) they only had 1 year to make this game (not the typical 3 year cycle that they had with one, two, and three) and b) most games are shorter because it's easier to tell the story that way. Bungie could have made the game longer by making you run through twice as many generic city buildings, redundantly fighting the same enemies in said buildings, then moving on to the next one throughout the whole level just to make the game longer, yet decreasing the fun factor. Do you remember the level 'The Library' from Halo 1? Yeah? Remember how much you hated how it seemed to just drag on forever? That's the reason why most games aren't really that long nowadays, because they cut out a lot of the repetitive and boring parts so you can experience the story and not a bunch of random acts of violence that doesn't flow with the story at all.
    #21 Scobra, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Ahh man they took out the my 5 Star Bee AReeeee.


    Imma go to my room and complain to everyone that Bungie scammed my moneyz.

    Seriously guys, they game is great, totally worth the money.
    -New Campaign
    - Firefight
    - ALL DLC maps, with 3 new ones
    - Halo Reach Beta

    Well worth 60 bucks.
    But, in my opinion, if you were going to buy either Halo ODST or MW2, gow with MW2. Or if you can buy both, buy both.
    Definately a success for me.
  3. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    I have to agree with you there. My friends and I were able to complete the legendary campaign in just under 4 hours. But bungie has stated that its around an 8 hour long game?

    But other than that its a really great game. It has a great story and awsome characters. Firefight was pretty cool and is really nothing like gow2's horde mode. The only similarity is that its a survival kind of game mode. Other than that its almost different in everyway. So people can stop saying that it's just a copy-cat. And as for there being no BR. Who cares, the BR is still in multyplayer so quit whining. The pistol and smg are amazing and the carbine seems to be twice as good as it was in halo 3. So there, you have three great guns right there. All of which are at your disposal in every mission. So overall to me the game deserves a 9.5.
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Play it all by yourself and tell me its a four hour game.
  5. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Personally, I love the game. I've already clocked up about 7 hours on firefight alone and managed to get all the vidmasters. I'm looking forward to getting a group of friends together for a play through the game in legendary.

    I also like the weapons in the ODST campaign far more than in Halo 3s. I've quite quickly fell in love with the carbine after realising how incredibly useful it is (unlike in Halo 3 when I would just instantly drop it) and I also adore the new pistol and SMG.
  6. eyextwo

    eyextwo Ancient
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    But is that REALLY worth 60$, just for that 4 hour campaign, the new map pack, and firefight? The only way I could ever imagine this game being close to worth it is if you don't own any of the map packs. What a stupid idea, offering all the dlc maps as a feature to there fans who have ALREADY paid 30 bucks for them. In all honesty, they could have released a whole new set of maps like the 11 originals. There is simply not enough is this game for me to pay that much for it.

    And to this:

    The reason your hearing complaints are because there is something to complain about. They only worked on this game for a year, should it really be worth the full 60$ then? I know a lot of companies pump out games every year, but most of them suck! There really is more to be expected from a game that you paid 60$ for, whether its a longer campaign or more modes of playing. Bungies excuse for more modes of playing was the halo 3 disc, which I already own.
    #26 eyextwo, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Ok guys, I just thought of an interesting concept, if you don't want to spend the $60, then don't buy the game! Yay! What a concept. Bungie and MS are not putting a gun to your head. If you think the game is out of your price range, then don't buy it. I am tired of hearing this whole debate over the money. You know darn well that you have spent countless money on games, systems, live, controllers & mics, etc.. If you think the game sucks or it's priced unfairly, don't buy it. Very simple solution.

    On the other hand, I have the game and I like it. It's just another game in my collecton. We will all make more money and more games will come out in the future. To continue to whine about the price is not going to change a thing.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I've decided that I'm returning Halo 3: ODST. I don't feel like playing the campaign over again on Legendary just to get to the seventh mission, that's ****ed up. And I can't handle Firefight, because it's a laggy mess. Either the match will be black screen, freeze every player, or the game will play right, but delay everything you do by two seconds...

    I'd very much rather spend that $60 on Borderlands, thank you very much!
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    If you bought it new you are only going to get like 25$ back.
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Can't return it for full refund if you're not satisfied? That's messed up... It says I can on the reciept...
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I thought the game was a great success, when I first played ODST I said "It's good but I can see it getting old..." But the best part is...I hasn't and it's only gotten more fun since then!
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah wtf is up with the lag on firefight, i thought maybe it was my connection but I will take out odst and then play halo 3 mm and it works fine. On top of that all my friends live like (no kidding) 5 miles away from me so the connection lag time should be like non existent. Bungie need's to re work servers for the game or something. Also why isn't their the option to find a game to join like **** zombies and horde? having to always have friends that want to play or play by your self is kinda a *****.
  13. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Also Odst is a expansion of halo 3 and expansions are not very long on any game. If it was its own game it would of been Halo: ODST but its Halo 3: ODST

    Also I like the game, im still trying to beat the campaign on heroic and trying to beat firefight. So it Is a very good game you just cant go on a nerd rage and rush to beat it in an hour. You have to look for the little cool stuff in the game too.

    #33 American10, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  14. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Fail. It would be worth the money if you didn't own halo 3 but i feel we, the people loyal to the series were ripped off with a disk we didn't need and a price that raped our wallets.
  15. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Screw the rock, more like a bomb shelter.
  16. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I think it was a success...

    reasons why...
    1. Firefight is fun and exciting
    2. campaign is pretty long but is continuously fun
    3. good maps and design
    4. good new game play (jumping, weapons...)
    5. better strategy (not like H3 where you are a bad ass and go in by yourself and kill everyone, you have to stay back.
    reasons why not...
    1. firefight lag (its bad)
    2. not being able to search for a game
  17. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Firefight hasn't lagged for me yet... I love the game...
    At first I was regretting, but I jumped into that first co-op game (after playing 2 missions solo) and had a blast for 2 hours and got endure... What a game! This game is the best purchase of the year for me, closely followed by Batman(teehee).
    I will definitlely be playing halo 3 ODST and h3 matchmaking until MW2 comes back, and even then I'll return to it eventually.

    Another great game made by bungie.
  18. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Honestly if your basing your opinion on the price of the product then yell at Microsoft, Bugnie wanted to market it at like 45 dollars, and Microsoft (the greedy bastards they are) said now 60. so there ya go, Bungie is not at fault, they wanted to reasonably price it because they knew that alot of us guys who have had all the halo games didn't want to pay for a new halo 3 disc.
  19. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    i believe it was a success because alot of ppl are going for recon and the new maps. plus fire fight is something new and pretty fun and challenging
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Firefight lag for me is so painful that i can't physically play the game in it and even attempt to enjoy it...

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