Overshot V0.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BA_Tango, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    The Central Tower was build around the idea of Forunner structure/Zanzibar Structure to create a unique structure.

    The Guardian is basically like the lockout design with a few extra nice touches added to it.

    The Cube is in matter of fact, just like Madisons Cube Gardian, I just kinda liked that idea of merging cubes in that way and used it within overshot for the asmethetic part.
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    saw your shout in the box lol

    this map looks good, but i noticed a kindof open area, maybe you could go back and just add a crate or something there as cover? idk its up to u
  3. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    cool map happy to help test
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I just got to check this map out. Very nice overall. It looks like you could really have some fun CTF games in here. I like the overall layout and feel. (similar to Elation) And I love the little 'sculptures with camo on top. Here are my issues with the map:

    1-There should be two double walls separating the teams (right in front of the foundry center 'pillar') Right now, it's easy to grenade jump over it,cutting down on danger and time spent getting to the opponent's flag.

    2-The map is very 90° oriented. There are a few more organic elements, but I'd like to see more of them.

    3-The map is too clean. I'd like to see a few scattered barrel stacks here and there. Even though you want to keep the floor open because of the vehicles, you should still add a few more aesthetic elements here and there.

    Again, great map overall. I'm going to try to get a real game together on it soon.
  5. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    1. I left that there in mind, secret gernade jump that people can use. They may be able to make it over and get ot he flag faster, but they still got an long way of getting back through the map. It is a win/lose situation... It is an horror to return to base with the flag.

    2. I don't know what you mean by organic, please explain to me man.

    3. That be a problem, because I couldn't fall back on money glitch after I deleted the items. So I would have to remake the whole entire map to fix and update the problems of the current one. Maybe I could move some things around without taking out the flow of the battle.
  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Browser error. Sorry for the double post.
    #26 Cosmic Rick, Apr 17, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  7. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I wouldn't worry about it then. I always keep a still-glitched version of my maps around in just such a case. Just keep it all in mind for your next map. Or if you decide to turn out a re-build.

    Oh, and by organic, I mean more curvy, basically.
  8. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    I maded some changes to the map if you want to check it out to address the problem of Asethetic to improve the gameplay as well as make it alot more nicer. Also added better changes of being able to destroy the vehicles inside the garage with one well placed shot or gernade.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    That pic with the trip mine is the one I threw, correct?
    The overview pic is much better now, and shows a lot more of the map off then before, thank you for making this map better.
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Tango, I haven't had the chance to check it out yet, but I will. It looks good so far...I'll be back.
  11. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    Yeah Lightsout, I added a few tweaks and changes to Overshot to improve the gameplay and make it feel more like a Checkpoint.
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    will i finally be able to blow up the garages? cause everyone was using their vehicles (which is a good thing) when i played before.
  13. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    Yeah, I love being able to blow up the grage, it is like being smart and using the envoriment around you to your advantage. But most people don't really think about stuff like that...

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