Could've Bungie made a ladder with a ladder selection kind of thing, like "Press RB to climb ladder."? Then use the Left Stick to move up or down the ladder, while doing a climbing animation? (Going down the ladder would be useless in Halo 3, you don't lose health when you jump off a high ledge :).
In my opinion, the ladder is unnecessary. We have grav lifts now. With the grav lift, you can look in any direction, shoot, or throw grenades. With a ladder, you could do none of those things. Also, the ladder would take longer, and leave you more vulnerable. Ladders: slower gameplay, more strategy (have to worry about leaving yourself vulnerable) Grav Lifts: faster gameplay, more control
Correct, Furious, but you forgot something. Some people create maps that are supposed to have those sort of feel. Imagine a Zombie map in which the humans have to escape via many ladders. How terrifying would it be to think that you've held them off, then turn to go up a ladder, and get massacred from behind? It'd be glorious!
Perhaps, but perhaps we want people to be vulnerable or take a longer time to get up. Also if you could make ladders that go up in a vertical tunnel. So you could hide half way up a ladder in the enemies' base without them being able to see you. You can't do that with a grav lift.
Ahh, I see. Good points from both Lance and Wakko. I guess it comes down to options. We could use different tools for different jobs. But for now I guess we're stuck with the grav lift.
There you are exactly right, Furious. Options are what separate good games from amazing games. See, then you don't HAVE to have something...but it's always available. =D
If they added ladders in halo 3, there would be a bit of a problem if someone decided to forge a ladder horizontal on the ground. Then you would be crawling.. <_< Anyways, if you want to transport players without using the space of a staircase, use a grav lift.
Phoenix, you're totally wrong. That would be GLORIOUS if you could force someone to crawl. You could create all sorts of trench/bunker levels. You see? It's options that make the difference!
I like ladders and would love to have them available. I don't care for grav lifts - they can be used well but in a lot of map designs it's way too easy to get hung up and stuck on scenery or just floating in the air. It's not usually a problem for me but the boneheads I play with complain about it. So I try not to incorporate them into my maps too much, unless I don't have an alternative, or it's really easy to use that particular lift. One example - I downloaded a highly popular remake of Hang em High that someone made, and it's pretty great except for the grav lift that gets you to the top of one of the towers. It's inside an open box and you can get hung up there for a few seconds very easily. Which is plenty of time to get turned into a floating pincushion. A ladder or small ramp there would be preferable. I also agree with the people that used to use ladders strategically. I used to sit in the ladders on Sidewinder, both on defense and when sneaking into someone else's base; and on Damnation you could grab the rockets and crawl almost to the top of that big ladder for some cheap kills on people coming out of the shotgun hallway; or in CTF if you had the enemy flag and were waiting for your flag to be returned, that big ladder was a great place to hang out on.
Omg he's right! Where you have to destroy the hatch thing and then you can climb down. I had a shotgun spree there once...