What's the object limit on Avalanche? Just asking here so I don't have to jump on Live at an inconvenient time to check.. that's if nobody knows. If you do, please post and you will get +1 awesome Hint: Its for my next Avalanche map
I think this type of thing is on Bnet. I think you'd get more/better answers in the Halo 3 Forum, TBH.
Umm... I know from experiance you can take a digit off of that, and I really hope that your just being an idiot trying to make a joke again. Its above 250, because I have had that number of objects on there at once, but I have never hit the limit before.
Yes, because the internet has to be 100% serious, 100% of the time. Also, you spelled *experience wrong.
(five bucks if you can read that) Oh no... grammer is a huge important thing that we all care about while typing on this forum. FYI, I am using an iphone. Edit: Sorry fpr getting off topic, aMoeBa, just had to use this oppertunity. This is my only time.
If you're going to call someone an idiot, you might as well make yourself look like one by feeding the Troll right after. Oh, and great job in understanding the meme in my post. You should spend a little less time outside, if you don't even understand something so simple as 'over nine-thousand.' On topic:
This is prone to be not true. After doing investigation the other night, I have managed to find that 241 (around here) is the object limit. This is with 8$ to spare and minimal vehicle usage.
Don't forget that dropped weapons, and grenades also count as objects. I usually forge while my siblings are fighting.(yes I let my little bro and sis play) And I have to start new rounds because of the 'nades taking up object space.