I am having a huge problem with bungie.net, and I obviously need help. Basically what is happening is anytime I go to bungie.net, regardless of how I get to there, anypage on that site redirects me to the Windows Live Login page. Problem is, it says that the site is either experiancing problems or windows live ID is down, and it wont let me login, or go to any page on the site not logged in. Does anybody have a possible solution, or for that matter, is anybody else have the same problem??
Nope works for me. Maybe you should try in a different browser. Hmm...lemme think.... Mozilla Firefox!!!!!!
Dude I would totally agree with you, but I already tried that. It has the same problem. Im asking for help not because Im stupid, but because I have tried every non stupid idea I could thing of.
Well try some stupid ones! but seriously have you tred logging on towindows live somewhere else, if youcan log into it somewhere then you should automatically be logged on, on bunge.net. if that doesnt work then I'm not sure what your problem could be
Actually, my problem might be that I am logged on to bungie.net... Do you have any idea how I could sign out without every going on to a bungie.net page? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant download any of these maps, and I have like five or six that I need to download now!!!! Im so sad =( Doesnt anyone have any ideas on what to do??? Please!!!!!!!!
You've tried everything? Hmmm............... Sounds to me like your account is bugging out. Are you saying you can't sign in? EDIT: Does anyone else in your house hold have a Windows Live ID? That's where I've have had issues. Maybe take some screen shots of what your browser is doing, then post 'em. I'll help you from there.
1. Clear your cache 2. Give it 30-60 mins without signing in to any XBL (on the computer, xbox is fine) That's what I did when I had this and it worked fine after about 30 mins. Not sure if it was the cache clear or the wait, try both.
this happenend to me once. it kept coming up with the "bless this mess" etc message. it worked again later in the week tho
Your not alone, im experiencing the same problem. I think the site is broken or something? I hope it gets fixed soon. I want to download some maps as well.
I've had this problem pretty consistently for like a year lol. Whenever it happens, I just sign out of my hotmail account (which is linked to my gamertag), and sign back in. That always fixes it right away
Sign out of your account from xbox.com. Load Bungie in a secure connection (https). If that doesn't work, light it on fire.