"Reality exists independent of consciousness" Stop Sahara Dreams Toxins Tech Support Urban Steppe Tracks Second Layer Smudge Three Wise Men Beacon Velvet Setting Glory Film Strip Melted Neon Promotion Epicenter Decibel Divide Emerald City Decal
Bind District Plumbing Retired Struggle Citrus Chimes Corrosive Corridor Blinding Light Blast Zone City Lights City Nights
Urban Steppe, Smudge, Film Strip, Melted Neon, Promotion, Bind, Citrus, Corrosive Corridor, and City Lights are sex. Sahara Dreams, Setting Glory, Tracks and Blast Zone could've been improved in my opinion, unfortunately you cant sharpen and Blur to create depth within Halo. Still, all great shots, with originality, great framing, composition, and number; jesus, did you just dump a bunch of shots or what? lol They're all great!
i like citrus and film strip. urban steppe is good too. the rest are just uninteresting. i see what you are trying to do, but... they just dont appeal to me.
Thanks Theorem. And, well, yeah, pretty much. I just save a bunch of shots and post them all at once. That way, if some people don't like some of the shots, they may like others.
Pretty good dude! I love how simplistic they all are. Chimes and City Lights are definitely my two favorites. Again, great job.
A lot of them are too blurry to really enjoy the picture. I feel like the blurred ones would've looked a lot better if they were sharper. Retired Struggle is my favorite of the bunch. The way the objective have just been pushed to the side help with the overall appearance. Something about the angle really holds my attention as well. The rest are okay, but seem a little too heavy on the effects. They seem to have a really good eye for angles, I think if you just took scenic shots of Maps and Campaign they would turn out really well. District Plumbing caught my eye as well, but they're isn't much to it. There isn't much meaning or a whole lot to look at, so it gets boring after a very short time. I would really like to see what would come about if you just went and took a bunch of scenic shots one day.
I suggest you take a look at my other shots, if you haven't already. This was more of an abstract based "gallery."
Well have you looked at any of my other shots? I have about 80+ just posted here. I started doing scenic shots, then those got a little popular, so I switched to a more abstract style. I don't like going with the flow.
wow,I like the names,thats what makes these stand out. And the blurry fuzz effect.....I like that to.