Ok. heres a cool picture of me. Description: Every step he takes as if he were stalking his prey his feet become as cold as a vampires blood... Picture: This was me durning a snipers match. And after a plasma explosion.
Ya, i did and you got a problem with it? How bout you make a better screenshot so i can laugh at you?
Internet Tough Guy? Anyway, it's not the best picture, not the most original, and not the best description. The yellow spark infront of the dudes face is taking away from the point of reference, and the background is really bland. Taking it on Avalanche would have made it look better, and a view on his feet, head, or just being closer to his body would have made it look less stark in contrast. And a better angle, I can see a red guy on the right.
Mainly the angle is what I'm having a problem with. If you took the shot close to the ground, so it seems like we're looking up at him, the pic could have more of an "epic" feel to it. Still, decent for your first few shots.
Could use different angle for more of a dramatic effect. The yellow spark is what bugs me the most though okay for an action shot. Keep tryin