This is a colorful girly pic of me in O.D.S.T and has some great Rainbow colors. Ok, here is the pic, Picture: The map i'm on is blackout.
My eyes hurt. I can tell it's on Blackout, with some "interesting" color FXs. I don't get the name, and it's not really rainbow colors, it's just a burning orange, slight red, and conflicting blue. And the pose is really boring. With this picture, I end up focusing on the thing in the lower right corner and the upper left corner. Try to bring the focus onto the guy by getting rid of the conflicting colors. Oh, and a background would be nice.
Oh my gosh, you figured out hw to post images. Finally. Well the pic is ok, unique pose and lighting, it's just the composition could be improved. Maybe with a change in framing, this pic could be a lot better. But I still like.