Would anyone mind listing the Mythic II Forging Objects? Obviously without weapons, teleporters, goals, because they never change.
lognshore has double/open boxes, not too many, but they're there. Dinghies. 3 Sizes of Door, which I've been using as flooring, they're closer to Blackout Doors than Foundry Doors. Fish Pallets / Crates, Pallets, Water Crate / Barrel, and some other stuff. It's not really suitable for making a whole new map, but I think you can edit in ways that make it into a different map [for mini-games even, if you wanted.] The other two can't be forged on other than tiny little scenery things.
I can't use my Xbox for a good month, so could I possibly get the exact amount of Double/Open Double Boxes, Single/Open Single Boxes, and the 3 sizes of doors? It would help save me the time of having to wait til' late October to actually plan out any maps.
And, as a pointer, Heretic has nothing except basic stuff (same as snowbound tbh), while Citadel has those glowy doors and some swanky looking pillars.
Not the best maps to forge on if you ask me... Longshore, maybe. But Citadel and Heretic are more for changing weapon placement, and/or possibly blocking off a few paths. I call shotgun on building the first Judgement map on Longshore! Naw... I'd have to ask Master, and for that I'm too lazy.
You can get into that glass window in citadel, It's great for forging on. I can see some really amazing infection maps down there.
12 double block / single block 8 open single / doubles I think 8 of each door type Not enough for a whole new map, but enough to make some changes that actually make it a lot different.
Longshore has Dinghies obviously, And you CAN go out a little ways and put them in the water. Additionally, you may stand on them for around 30 seconds before the weight of your spartan sinks is slowly. Im not 100% positive that it'll stay afloat forever even if you're not on it because i didnt take the time to check. Some interesting minigames will definitely come from Longshore.
Everyone is telling me to do it, I may have to take up the challenge myself. Seriously though, it's like Bungie built Longshore just so it could become a Judgment map. Seriously, it has like the perfect layout to make a defendable building.
Dinghies don't stay afloat even if your not on them. They sink and you get it back unfortunately. Just a heads up. o-o
stole my idea, i was going to make the bridge another way to get in, and a weapon room, so you get more weapons but more zombies. atlest now i dont have to NOT finish another map...
Haha. Could you imagine? A mini game where who ever stays on a dinghy the longest wins. You could probably do that with King of The Hill.......I call rights to it!
Man LongShore is awesome! I already have a couple of nice things being planned on this map. Anyone thought of making a floating map on the water?
Nobody mechoned that you can place immovable objects in the water and they stay there about two/three wall hights up. Did nobody realize this
I did, but my objects bobbed up and down a bit before freezing, so saving/quitting or No-Clipping would be better. [@ Diger]