well i played a few games of firefight by myself today and then 2 games with someone over LIVE. but only the ones i played by myself were recorded on b.net. the medals and game history from the 2 games over live isnt there. does it always do this (if anybody knows) or were those 2 games just messed up. and the game ended, we ran out of lives. neither of us ended the game.
They're recording for me sometimes. Bungie.net : ODST Games-Multi http://www.bungie.net/Stats/ODSTg.aspx?gameid=4163929&player=rifte gifle-Single(I ended this one though, and it got recorded?) I played one game with another person, I ended the game and it didn't get recorded. edit: It didn't even record me changing emblems...
Same happened to me, but i think that b.net is just updating some stuff, that or they can't handle how much info is coming in from ODST.
Xbl update today and i think bungie did a site update as well to handle all this. Oh btw i only need 5 spree medals to have them all, i got a killionaire idk how lol. Edit: when i mean 5 spree medals i mean i have every other medal already. Idk how i guess me and my buddy did better at firefight last night than i thought.