Here is a map i am working on It is on Rats Nest and I am using the new ghost merging in it. At the moment there isn't a lot to the map but I will update this thread when the times are right. Possibly the ghost & Sniper Spawn Possibly the Gravity hammer Spawn (note it has a view of the rocket spawn without the main pillar so don't worry about that) Possibly the Rocket spawn You may have noticed at the moment the weapons are the same as on Rats Nest but in differentplaces that is because I thought rats nest was a bit bland Also I am thinking of blocking of the tunnels since hardelly anyone uses them Post you thoughts plz
Yeh as I said this is a thread I am going to update every now and then so in later update the cave might not be there
Make the gravity hammer cave smaller, less campable that way. Also for your ghost/ sniper, thats a little over powered. It looks good but for game play you ought to choose one or the other, then place the one you don't choose in another neutral location. But it is looking good, i am also working on one i just can't seem to eyeball stuff as easy on rats nest as good as ghost town, i keep having stuff all messed up looking.
A lot of things are very sloppy. If I were you I'd redo everything straight. but looks better than regular rats nest.
I have to say, you need to try bracing your objects before bracing them. I know its hard on this map, because you only get like sixteen immovable objects, but it will help the overall neatness of your map. Also, the grav hammer is not in a very commonly traversed location, making it bad. I personally would try making it one sided, and block off the entire middle part, then put a bases where your rockets are, and the other where your ghost is. Then just make some really cool structure, and use what is the default base as a location for a vehicle, or a balenced power weapon on each side. That would be a really cool layout, and I think you may want to try that idea.
UPDATE : Sorry for no updates but i am stuck so if any one would like to give me any help please comment then we will think of an arangement time to forge