First off, kudos on making an asymmetric map(i love me some asymmetrics ) 2nd i noticed you have a lot of vehicles on your map, chaos is good, but too much is a problem. all the open space for vehicles is on the outsides of the map so a tank is only beneficial if its used to take down the banshee, i was wondering if the vehicles are very short lived; which brings me to my 3rd question, i saw that there was(to my eyes) an overstock of power weapons- brute shots/rockets/missile pods -whats the use of vehicles if your going nowhere, are the vehicles used for guerilla warfare or just something to blow-up?
Asymmetric maps are tough to make balanced The vehicles are kind of there mainly as support and to fit the heavies-them of the map. They are just power weapons, in a sense. They aren't designed to be useful for a long time. The map is a heavies-themed map, so of course there is going to be a lot of heavy weapons lol. I really wanted the Infantry to be fully equipped and able-bodied to stand up vehicles and other enemies. Trust me, nothing is overpowered here There are many explosions and heavy weapons, but each team has equal access to all power weapons, so it isn't unbalanced or anything. Thanks for commenting I'm glad you seem to enjoy it
I don't think any of your other maps are good as i have been looking at them except your one in the skybubble, but this one is pretty good I like the layout with walkways over looking courtyards and i also like the design of your bases one thing that i have been seeing in your maps is that you need to work on vehicle equipment and weapon placement. Ill list things you can improve on: 1. Pretty sure I saw five can fix this by keeping the on in the middle and deleting the others or you can keep two of them (1 per side) and delete the other three and replace the one in the middle with a laser 2.theres to many could argue that it is meant for vehicular gameplay and fighting but take out the tanks...they are overpowering and useless at the sametime as the layout of this map (most of it being in the air) is not suitable for tanks and theyll just waste money anad space. 3. this doesnt really matter but a platform for the banshee would make your map better 4. this is not something you can improve im just saying: i like the position of your turrets overlooking the courtyards lastly merging would make your map smoother and better aside from all of this...this seems like a pretty solid map especially compared to your other ones especially ur one on avalance (no offense) the layout is amazing and the aesthetics are stunning (from the archs with the lights to the ramps near the banshee on the middle rocket spawn) Lastly u used cover in a nice manner as well but one thing i might suggest doing...especially if u tested it and the top seems too overpowering to anyone below...add fusion coils behind some of the barriers up there overall good map and i hope you take none of my constructive critism as an insult 4/5
please comment on the map you are viewing. everyone starts out as a bad forger then improves, so there is no need to reply on older maps. 1.I'm pretty sure there are only three rockets. While that is an unusually high amount, ill compare it to Valhalla heavy which contains three splasers. 2.I will argue that this map is meant for vehicular combat. The tanks cant be overpowering and useless, thats an oxymoron. If anything what you are saying points out that the tanks are useful in only certain situations which is exactly what you want. 3.No it wouldn't. Mention one way that a platform would improve gameplay, then I'll agree.
That is fine if you don't like my maps. However just saying you don't like them is stupid. Maybe you could comment on them and provide constructive criticism, rather than generalize on maps you know nothing about. 1) There are 3 rockets...where did you get 5 from? And, I am not, and will not put a laser on this map. Have you played Standoff Heavies, or Valhalla Heavies? Lasers are quite the overpowered, and make vehicles almost useless. Some maps, the are reasonable on, but not this map. 2) Too many vehicles? You do know this is a heavies map...? As for the tanks, I am reconsidering replacing the Scorpion Tank witha Wraith due to a playtest where Scorpion Camping became a problem. I'll fix the link with a new one. Have you seen how much cover there is against vehicles? I can guarantee if you play this map, vehicles will be the least of your problems, lol. 3) A Banshee platform would be a waste of budget. It would have absolutely no benefit towards the map. 4) thanks. The map has plent of merging. If a problem with it being unsmooth or gameplay affecting arises, I'll be sure to update the map. From a gameplay standpoint, none of my maps "suck", as you say. The can, however, be improved. Provide some constructive criticism on them, rather than judge what you don't know. I'm not taking them as insults, but it frustrates me that some things people say aren't based off of anything at all. The height is there, actually, for a reason. The are the Defending based, so they get a slight heighjt advantage on purpose Thanks for providing a logical response