I loved it. I got it at midnight last night and stayed up until 4 in the morning! I wanted to keep playing, but had to go to bed at some point. I just got up and plan on playing all day. I had a lot of fun with the game. The new weapons are great. The new smg is really fun and never gets old. The pistol is very different from the Halo 3 pistol. This time you have a scope which stays zoomed in during firing. Yeah, the pistol lacks some power but you can almost pull the trigger as fast as your hand can pull the trigger. This is good for frinishing off the bad guys if you need to retreat back. I tired fire fight on Legendary and it is really hard! I played by myself and then with one other person. We eventually switched to Heroic and it was perfect. I plan on playing some more Legendary today once I can get a few more people in my party. I have not even trued the campaign yet. The three new maps are awesome! I don't really know how they will be in forge yet. I am sure there can be many types of maps that can be made on Longshore. I don't think race tracks will be that great on the new maps. That's ok because there is so much other stuff to do anyway. I also got a change to play some of the new maps in matchmaking. That was really fun and Citadel was intense during a few battles. I looked at MidShip in forge and it is perfect!! It really brought back some great memories from Halo 2. I also love the new title screen and the look of the game in general. I tried one of the night missions and got a chance to see the awesome new night vision. That was really cool and definitely helps to see the outline of the enemies. I am looking forward to unlocking Recon soon. Overall, I am loving this game. I don't need to whine about the $60 price tag because I have a good job. So I don't need to complain there. The game is great and I can't wait to play it all day. I know that there are a lot of people who are complaining about the game. That doesn't surprise me though. Most of those people don't even have the game and probably can't get it. Anyway, amazing game and I will be on toady if anyone wants to join me! If anyone has any questions regarding the game. Feel free to ask and I will try to answer any questions you may have.
Well i paid £8 for 3 maps, twice. This time around i am paying £30 for 3 maps, one of which being my favourite of all time and another being one of the most creative maps i have seen in Halo. On top of that i am getting 10 campaign missions, 8 Firefight missions, full use of the theatre and a story that i would pay to see with high-quality voice acting. The graphics engine has been improved, which was initially a test process to see what they would do for Reach. By supporting this you are sending them the message that they are on the right track.
That's a VERY bias statement. ODST comes with Campaign, Firefight, Theatre, Reach Beta, all of which have extremely different gameplay styles which some people will prefer, AND it comes with all of halo 3, minus halo 3's campaign. It also comes with the 3 new maps. Don't flame Bungie about the price tag, it's Microsofts fault.
It's not a waste of time.. All I ever hear is complaining from people. This is my honest opinion of the game. I like it. I don't care that you don't like it or you think it's too much money. And to Shaddo wtf.. What did I ever do to you?? I bought the game because I like it and I wanted to buy it. The only one really sounding like a douche here is you. And and since your such a smart guy, why did I not buy Halo Wars then smart guy?? I can call you a GOW fanboy since you spent your money on that game. Please stay on topic. This thread is here to answer peoples questions regarding the game. If you are a hater, please exit stage left. Thanks.
I actually agree, I also was up until 4am playing it. Its an amazing game. I think it is totally worth $60. Your getting a NEW campaign (WHICH is more involving and actually has a good story line) and Firefight which is a completely new feature and is like its own mini campaign. I agree with the OP this is a VERY awesome game. To those of you that have broken xbox's that really sucks. I hope you guys get it back soon so you can play. And those of you who cant afford it. There is Craigslist.com (People selling it here for around $30) and Ebay too.
What he said, with $'s and I don't have it just yet. Looks like it's gonna live up to my expectations, and nobody answer this PLEASE, I want to find out on my own, I wonder if the last mission is an escape or what...
Firefight beats any other console survival game mode easily. Hopefully we'll see something like this in Reach. I almost feel like selling Halo 3, but I'll keep it just incase.
The part I love is that you can change the difficulty, but can you change the skulls that pop up in firefight?
No you cant. All skulls that pop-up in Firefight at at random at best. Campaign though you can pick what skulls to use from.
Nope, not yet. Most likely, when the Extras menu is unlocked in the ODST Disc is when Reach beta will go live.
I'm struggling to justify the price tag, but come October the price will be down to about £17 anyway. Those who are complaining deserve it. You didn't have to buy the game. I haven't played firefight yet, but Heroic is a very good difficulty. Spoiler At the hunters part, I actually killed them both with shotgun shots to the back
I don't mind the price tag. If you pay in full early, it doesn't seem so expensive when you go pick it up. This is an actual spoiler, don't open if you dont want an ODST spoiler! Spoiler I downed 2 Hunters with 2 snipes in it's back! i felt stringer than a Spartan!
Cool. Can't wait to try the Reach Beta. How do I unlock the extras menu? Does anyone know how long the Beta will run?
It's not random. You've got 3 'round skulls', that is: Tough Luck, Catch, Black Eye. Every round (that's 5 waves), another one is added on. Along with that, every set (3 rounds) you get a 'set skull'. In order they are: Tilt, Famine, Mythic. Iron is added only on the bonus round. At the start of a set you'll get just the set skull, then the round skulls will add up till you have 4 on at once. Then it'll restart with just Tough Luck and the set skull, and add up.
You Can add the Silver Skull to Firefight though, YOu can set Blind, GBP, Cowbell and IWHBYD to be on. It is the gold ones you cant set.