
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Adeth, Apr 14, 2008.



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  1. Adeth

    Adeth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    First and foremost I would like to say hello to all the community members.
    This is my first post and proper respects should be paid.

    Well now that, thats out of the way I'll begin with my introduction.
    This map is called S.E.T.F which spelled out is Spartan Elite Training Facility.
    The purpose of this map is to help gamers practice with their aim.
    The supported gametype is slayer but the purpose is training and not killing.
    There are four shooting ranges, and three simulated assault courses
    a breakdown of each area follows.

    First shooting range is the Battle Rifle range, there are explosive
    barrels at varying distance and they have an instant respawn.
    This range is where all trainees will spawn at beginning of training.

    To get to the second range trainees will take the stairs directly to the right
    of the BR range. Once up the stairs there are two Brute Shots.
    Further down this walkway is another set of stairs leading up to
    the second range. At this landing there are two Assault Rifles,
    Look to the right and you will see pillars with explosive barrels ontop
    and in between. You can test your aim with the Brute Shot by running
    sideways also with the BR and AR.
    Onwards to the third range, to get to the range head back downstairs
    to the BR range. Look to the left and you will find a passageway,
    follow this and to your right you will find an open container.
    Inside are two Rocket Launchers and two Spartan Lasers.
    Once outside the container approach the barrier to the left and test your aim
    on incoming vehicles. If initially the vehicles are up front and not
    moving destroy them and wait for the incoming vehicles.
    The final shooting range is the Sniper course.
    Next to the container is a set of stairs with a gravity lift ontop.
    Take the lift, here you will find a Human Sniper and the Particle Beam Rifle.
    Aim and shoot at the opposite end of the Facility at the explosive
    barrels on the pillars. That completes the shooting range moving on
    to the simulated assault course.

    The first course is located next to the BR range, once at the BR range
    go up the stairs but walk off in the direction of the pillars.
    Fall down and you will find eight grenades, those being
    Fragmentation, Plasma, Spike, and Firebomb.
    Standing at the grenade spawn throw the grenades between the pillars
    and try to hit the explosive barrels. Once finished take the Gravity
    The second Assault course is located behind the BR range inside the door.
    This course deals with close quarters weapons such as,
    Shotgun, Brute Mauler, Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, and Flamethrower
    Once you have selected your weapons run inside and turn left, at this
    point run through this section as fast as you can and take down as many
    barrels as possible.
    The third and final Course is behind the Rocket/Spartan Laser range.
    At this course you will find dual wielding weapons such as.
    Plasma Rifle, Sub-Machine Gun, Brute Spiker, and the Magnum.
    I have left the Plasma Pistol out and the Brute Mauler already has it's course.
    Once you have selected your combo, keep i mind that weapons respawn
    quickly so dual SMG's are possible.
    When ready turn the corner and take out as many explosive barrels as you

    That completes my introduction/briefing of the map.
    Here are some images of the BR, Sniper, Rocket/Laser and an

    Sniper Range

    Battle Rifle Range

    Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser Range


    Download S.E.T.F
  2. Craz

    Craz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Training courses are fun, but I don't know how well you will be received. I make training courses for my GF and I all the time. But that's the thing, its a less than original idea, that most people can pull off. Granted, yours looks nicer than the ones I make, but I am a fan of my own hack-kneed style of architecture. I like your clean style though. Got any killing maps?
  3. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea looks nicely done im prolly gunna download it eventually
  4. Adeth

    Adeth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I do have a killing map that I designed to work with free for all slayer, team and free for all objective, infection, juggernaut, etc. It basicallly works very well with objective and free for all gametypes. Team slayer would work but may not be as fun as free for all slayer.

    I'll post it soon. Oh and thanks for the comments.

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