Ok so there is this guy called Loneleyone254 that used to be on my friend list so i removed him First Offense: Sent me a message asking me to make him a ferrari on Banjo Kazooie, Stating that he's "Too Busy" to do one himself Message: d00d c4n u mak3 m3 4 f3rr4r1 n b4nj0 k4z0013 im 2 buzy 2 m4k3 mai 0wn As You Can See, He was a big fan of 1337 Second Offense: m4k3 m3 4 b47m0b1l3 nao I Sent Back: Dude, Please stop with the leet, i can barely understand you. He sent back: Ok Third offense: Dood do u know any girls with xbox live accounts? if you do please give me they're names... After seeing this i thought "Creeper." Even though i do know a couple girls with XBL i sent back: No i don't know any. Fourth offense: d00d do u know the name of the scarab tank in halo 3? I Sent Back: Acts of Random Stupidity, Ah yes i remember when i never sent stuff like that... Then this one really creeped me out. Loneleyone: wh3r3 d0 u l1v3? Me: CREEPER! Ask me anything like that one more time and i'm reporting you... Then the weirdest thing happened... He Changed his Avatar to this: I was then creeped out by the fact that i was freinds with someone who could be gay so i removed him Bottom Line... LONELEYONE254 IS A CREEPER/GAY/RAPIST
Most of this isnt that bad, and could potentialy be offensive if that person belonged to Forge hub. The fact that his avatar is a girl doesn't mean he's gay, and calling someone gay, then making a thread about their "gayness" is uncalled for. Requests lock.