FunWorld v3.2 Download Link Hey what's up, after two nights of forging I finished FunWorld v3.2, the mid layer is the same as v2, just missing a man-cannon, but the whole downstairs is remade, AGAIN, This is the 2nd time I remade the downstairs, I am still keeping my FunWorld v2 which you may still veiw here, FunWorld v2. This time I decided to make the downstairs more for vehicles. So here is the pics with discriptions. This picture is the basic mid floor layout that I had since v1. You have to jump into the middle man cannon for it to work good. This picture is one of the features of the map, You can shoot giant flaming golf balls into the man-cannon! Now, enough of the same old same old stuff from the last verison, let's look at some of the new features downstairs. If you haven't guessed it, this is the spawn, basic vehicle spawn area. First picture showing the main cause for building the downstairs, in a Full Pipe, which is also named the "Ring of Fire" I'll get more into detail on that later. The next feature in this map is actually pretty cool, atfirst I had the idea of a "Wall rider" type of thing, but then quickly realised that this would be hard to accomplish, so instead, I created the "Surf Rider" The next thing on the list is similar to the "Surf Rider" above but instead, it's the lava rider, and istead of a nice long ride, it's a nice turn with a sweet jump at the end. Ok, back to the main contraption, The ring of death currently does not work for all vehicles, Although on rare occasions you will find it working smoothly, but the vehicle that it works best with is the chopper, just zoom when your at the top. This is my map, Some on the features on this map have been adjusted to work for all vehicles, and that it why somtimes you may go through somthing and end up in the wall, but this shouldn't be a big deal, I may continue to fix the ringofdeath, it is currently pretty much useless besides looking cool, unless you drive the chopper into it. Have fun! any questions or suggestions just post here! And rate 5 stars for creativity!
It's a nice idea. Pretty much a mess-around map. But what' it's lacking is interlocking/ghost merging. These are vital for racetrack maps. And besides that, how do you get into the ring of death?
Thanks, I did not have enough time yesterday to geomerge everything, but if you ask me, alot of these things work good without being merged, And is that last question a serious one? or did you not download the map? you simply drive into it. Thanks.
Nice map. I like the loop, you rarely see those in maps anyway, good geomerging, and good idea. 9/10.
Easy, just make it compatible with the following gametypes: Assault [Grifball, Ninja Bomb] Capture The Flag [2 Flag Heavy, SWAT 2 Flag, 2 Flag BRs, 2 Flag Shottys, 1 Flag BRs, 1 Flag Magnums] Infection [Braaaains, Speed Demons] Juggernaut [Fiestanaut] King of the Hill [Team Crazy King, Pit of Joy, Crazy King] Oddball [SWATBall, MLG Ball] Slayer [Swords, Slayer BRs, Hammerzeit, Melee, Big Team Slayer, Rockets, Shotty Snipers, ShWATguns, Snockets, Splockets, Team BRs, Team Hammers, Team Swords, Team Snipers, Team SWAT] Territories [Land Grab BR, Lurkers, Territories BR, Team Sumo] VIP [Rocket Race, Run For Cover] Now, you may think that it is a big list but months from now when you finally finish, you'll know it was worth it! Oh, and don't forget each one of the gametypes in your download links!
Thanks, I was also pretty amazed by huge difference from v1, then v2, and now v3, being incredibly complex, I only learned about this save and quit thing the day I started v3
Some of the stuff on here would epic fun to mess around with especially the loops and the amazing flaming golfballs.