-There's no focal -The black thing to the right of his head is distracting -There's sort of a blue/green border on the left side -The effect you used it just plain ugly and it would be better at a much lower opacity All in all not too bad for a first attempt, but you need to work on developing a focal.
The thing to the right of his head was in the stock. Anyway I could get rid of it? And how would you go about making a focal? I tried to blur the magnums in the front and sharpen the spartan's head. That blue/green border on the left might be because I added the border in Photobucket. I couldn't figure out how to do it in GIMP. How do you add a border in GIMP? And by lower opacity, do you mean make it more translucent?
Yes that actually helped a lot. I'll go back and edit it after I do my hw. Damn I still have to do that...
Border in GIMP: Right Click: Select all. Then right click again>edit>stroke selection. Set the px size to double the desired border size. Done!