Me and a few friends were thinking of making a map reviewing Machinima. We would download either a FH featured map or a map of our choice and review it on originality, playabilty and asthetics. For anyone who has a) seen something like this else where or b) wants to sign up, jut comment below. Thanks. :squirrel_chatting:
I would suggest reviewing on request. Like if I made a map and wanted it reviewed, i would post here and ask you to do a review. that would be more helpful to the community.
There's already something like this and has been featured on on more then one occasion. Sorry. :/
Are you talking about Best of Forge? If so, a lot of people find that series pretty annoying, because they spend too much time trying to be funny and failing miserably. Repins, if you are going to do a series, I would do what used man said and do it on request. Also, make sure you get the point across that it is a review, don't try and be funny because alot of the time it fails and people get annoyed.
I agree with used an Hobo. Sorry but a good majority of all machinima on is pure ****. A bad example of what people assume is good machinima. Also, for reviews, If you do put humor in it at all, at least make it good and not just stupid ****. An example of this would be little humorous skit showcasing some flaws with the maps. Not random as people acting ****ing retarded in a Forge game while you're filming in monitor mode. Actually put effort into it.
Please don't. Halo Machinima slipped in quality a little while ago and although there have been some pretty good films since then, the ratio of good to bad films hasn't recovered. At the moment it seems like people can't think of anything original so they'll just do reviews and has decided to do "guides" for Halo 3... a 2 year old game with ODST coming out so soon. Also, when I think of Map Reviewing Machinima, I think of Halo 3 Forges, which was constantly being frowned upon for stealing maps and not giving credit where its due, all recorded in XBL, XBL audio, in a custom game and the overall quality of the videos is horrible. Plus the "reviewing" part... if you're going to do a series about map reviewing, then actually do a review. Show me the map, whats the map good for? Whats the gameplay like? Where are the hotspots? What are some unique features which make gameplay that little bit better? How are the lines of sight, spawns, weapon placement? Not things like "OMG, its got 3 mongooses" or "this map is cool".