Skeight By OhNoez64 + Arsonist Good day. This will be my last map before ODST, and before saying 'YOU NEVAR POSTED ANY!', I only posted two of around 10 I've made. Being the admin of HaloStunting, I believe I should contribute to my maps section and post up this. This map uses Ghost Merging for half of it, and the other half is standard interlox and geo mergin'. I only discovered Ghost Merging half way through map development. About the gametype The gametype is what I would call the only of it's kind. Not saying it's unique, just rare. It's essentially just... Brute Shot & (Anything else) starts, Invincible, 0% Damage, Invincible Vehicles. Brute shots are the coolest weps in the game because when on a goose you can go insane. Look up 'Lord Mongoose' on youtube to see what I mean. Onto the pictures... Super curve. Behind is a mongoose spawn hut. Super ramp. Can also see (from left to right) Grind/jump and Bouncy wall. Win sauce mega ultra cactus (?) cake machine. AKA Mega jump. If you wonder about that tele up the top, read below... THIS tele leads to... Here, with a nice little goodie. If you place that grav lift in the slit of the 'Wall, Slit' on the jump, you get a smooth take off, resulting in minor difference in stunting when using a partner with a bruteshot. Perfectly Geo'd Ramp up teh dunes. Tower Of Power (c wut I did ther). Just for the aesthetics. Bounceh wall. Has sheild doors behind the blocks. Houses a trip mine behind it, which can be used in conjunction with bruteshotting for epic mega stunts. Finally, an overview. You can see all mongoose spawns except one, which is behind the Super Curve. Hope it is enjoyed as much as I did. Action shots are not included due to rushing, but also due to the fact it would ruin parts of the map MAP GAMETYPE Thank you, and goodbye... - Noezy.
Spam much^^^^ anyways... This map is pretty cool the ghost merging looks almost flawless but I dont think you put enough stuff in it for someone to play on it for long. But for the stuff you do have it looks nicely made. What would really grab me that maybe you could make one of those things hardcore skaters use (forgot the name) where the go completely around a huge ramp
I agree with cartograph. The things you do have in the map look really nice but there really should be more. I could easily see myself becoming bored with this map quickly. A half pipe or something might be cool.
Even I agree with Cartograph and Dralthi. I rushed this map in hopes to atleast get a V1 before ODST. Perhaps when I finish campaign and play some firefight I'll come back and add a half pipe somewhere. Thanks for the constructive criticism, guys!