As almost all of you know, Halo 3: ODST will bring 3 new maps along with the 21 maps already released, bring the total number of maps to 24. You probably also know that there is a limit to the number of custom maps you can have. As far as I know, the reason for that is so Halo 3 won't take up half your hard drive. Well, since Bungie is aware of the many bugs Halo 3 still has, they probably won't pay attention to this tiny feature as everything they set, they usually forget about. With only being able to have 100 maps, you do not get as full of an experience as you could if it was something like, at the very least, 150. I mean, 24 maps restricts you a lot, meaning you constantly have to recycle maps to get new ones. I think that they should extend the custom object limit not just because of the map overload, but because if I am making a new map and try to save it, I cannot because I already have too many. I'm pretty sure that has discouraged a lot of people. What do you think about this? Should Bungie be made aware or should they just ignore it completely? Summary (Just in case you didn't want to read two paragraphs): 100 custom items consisting of maps and gametypes when there are 24 maps seems restricting. Do you agree?
All 24 maps will be playable from the disk, and since Bungie discourages installing Halo 3 to the hard drive, you'll actually be saving space with ODST. You'll save hard drive space too, since you can delete the map packs you currently have if you have the Halo 3 Mythic disk.
That had almost nothing to do with what I was talking about. Please read the thread before posting :].
Yeah it does, the downloaded map packs reduce your custom content space. Since you won't be downloading the new ones, and you can delete the old ones, you save space.
Yes, Bungie probably didn't think it though. Besides, to use all of Halo 3s features you have to have a hard drive, and lets face it, who is going to use up 60-120 gigabytes of space? Even if you have a 20 gigabyte hard drive how are you taking that up? The fact of reality is you're not going to, unless you spend way to much time and money on you Xbox. (no offense to anyone, but really??) I think they should have put a higher limit on all the custom stuff. Screen shots, maps, and films.
The map pack maps aren't custom content so they shouldn't count towards that 100 limit. I'm sure Bungie has thought of that.
I believe that the map packs when downloaded will count as custom content, if I'm correct a game without any map packs isn't 100 slots-the 11 original maps. So, if the 24 maps on ODST are on the disc not the hard drive, it shouldn't take away from your content limit.
Umm... Anybody here realize that you can only have 100 peices of custom content? Yeah, that includes pictures, games, and videos, but i have all the DLC maps, more than fifty custom maps, thirty custom games, and twenty pictures/videos. That adds to 121, which basically proves that it wont affect the total amount of custom content that you can have. In case you were wondering, there is no limit on the amount of space that you can take up. If they did that, then it would be per harddrive, not per character. Edit: Im basicaly saying that it will have no effect on your total amount of custom content, because its based numerical, not on the amount of space.