Sandbox Siege of Versa

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by zanchee, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Hello all! and welcome to Siege of Versa.

    Take your chances in these two ruined castles, there are many people in this land that will kill unwanted outsiders. The UNSC has taken these Ruins as an outpost against the Covenant. Little do they know that the Covenant have already set up an outpost here as well. Can you finish the story? WILL YOU FINISH THE FIGHT



    This is the center of the battlefield (Rockets inbetween those wedge corners) you can jump up with the block angleds or use the ramp.


    Warthog spawns (back of the base) Shield doors removed to limit camping (thanks for idea Scobra)


    Ghost spawn 90 second cooldown, also now theres a carbine on the ledge above!


    Inside the base (not much changed here besides shield doors removed, and some spawners added


    Sniper lookout the little base is at exactly eye height to sniper out of so its very useful


    Weapon list
    Battle Rifle-4 run time maximum 8, 10 second respawn
    Sniper Rifle-1 run time maximum 2, 60 second respawn
    SMG-4 run time maximum 4, 20 second respawn
    Plasma Rifle-2 run time maximum 2, 30 second respawn
    Needler-2 run time maximum 2, 30 second respawn
    Bruteshot-2 run time maximum 2, 45 second respawn
    Rockets-1 run time maximum 1, 60 second respawn
    Carbine-2 run time maximum 4, 10 second cooldown
    Mauler-2 run time maximum 2, 45 second respawn
    Frag gernade-4 run time maimum 12, 10 second respawn
    Plasma gernade 8- run time maimum 12 10 second respawn
    Bubble shield 2 run time maximum 2, 60 second respawn
    Power Drain 2 run time maximum 2, 60 second cooldown
    Regenerator 2 run time maximum 2, 60 second cooldown
    2 warthogs 60 second cooldown
    1 ghost 90 second cooldown
    2 mongoose 20 second cooldown

    This is my stage tell me what you think of it plz comment this is my final update (unless there are any sugestions that arnt huge)

    #1 zanchee, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your first picture is fine but your other pictures are too small. You might want to fix that. Your first picture, however,has me intrigued.
  3. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    I have never seen a map that made it so it was a good idea to put the sniper next to a vehicle, and you did it twice. Also, it seems a little too open, but maybe that's just the pics talking.

    It looks like a well forged map, i just don't see the gameplay working out. Again, that's just from the pics.

    also, could you post a weapons list?
  4. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    I think the map is well done and laid out and i see that you have some experience in forgeing, but i really cant see the gameplay working out at all? Have you tested this yet? because im just going on the pictures right now, but to me the gameplay looks to me that it'll be a bit one sided since all the power weapons and veichles are close together. I would recoomend spreading things out a bit more maybe. Anyway all in all not too bad of a map.
  5. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Actually no the weapons are symetrical the ghost spawns in the middle left and teh chopper middle right (both on one end of that orange line in hte middle, the snipers are there fora choice between weapon or ghost i have tested this map 6v6 and it has worked out perfectly we won 45-50
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    An overview would be nice but from what I can see it looks nice and it seems like it would be a matchmaking map for some reason.....just the feel of it i guess. The name is quite original as well
  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Yeah, an overview would be nice. I like what I see so far though.
  8. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok ill post overview ittl be up in like 6 mins just need to get a picture

    The picture is now up, at the bottom of my description (first post) just above crossfire add
  9. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow cool map ! The base are symetrical , i love the center with the kill ball in the air ! Good weapon choice for youre map and the litle outpost with the ghost or the chooper !
  10. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Thanks so much, I spent alot of time working with it tweaking it and testing it, the gameplay actuall works out pretty well considering the that the snipers are placed near the 2 middle vehicles
  11. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    It seems like whoever controlls the middle will have a huge advantage over the opposing base, its very easy to camp the other team inside their base making gameplay pretty slow :/.
    though i will say i like the look of the map and especially how the bases are laid out.
    #11 oX Arson Xo, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  12. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Major update to siege of versa (bridge to center) one sniper but run time maximum 4, 1 ghost only 1 goose at each base (killball removed it was kind of distracting) and cleened up some of the interlocking gameplay works with all and still smooth as ever
  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The map looks much better with those bridges. It still lacks some cover on the sides of the map though, and it looks as if the Warthogs are a little overpowering because of that. It's nothing too difficult to fix, just maybe a few vertical structures or something like that near the sides if the map should do the trick. Also, I think that you should remove the shield doors from behind the base. They tend to promote camping and can ruin the flow of gameplay.
  14. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Big update check it out!!!
  15. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    The improvements are very good. The only other thing i would change is either put a second mongoose on each side, or move them so that they are across from each other because how it is now the blue team would be able to reach the sniper first as it is closer to their mongoose
  16. gnurdbn

    gnurdbn Ancient
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    I don't see why you have the warthogs. You'll have to drive on the sand to get around the map. There are a lot of random blocks standing alone on the map, as if it's there just to fill out empty spaces. They are making vehicle use useless. And i don't think it's a very original map.
    Maybe a little too many power weapons too. Especially considering the short respawn timers.

    Besides that, the map is quite good though.
    #16 gnurdbn, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  17. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Stage reply

    I added the extra column's as cover for spawning points, and also to stop the warthog from being to overpowered, before with no cover the test was just slaughtering with the warthog. it now makes it possible to ambush the warthog and hide if being attacked. I know that the blue has a mongoose closer to the sniper, but the read also has one closer to the ghost. besides no one ever uses mongooses anyways i just added them because it felt awkward to have a warthog and no mongoose. all in all i have tested this with 3v3 5v5 and 6v6, and all the matches seemed pretty close to gether, there was no huge jump between scores so you may be right you may be wrong but im going to stick with what i have, maby ill update it later, i think its a fair gameplay (may just be me and my stage) anyways ty for the comments guys!!
  18. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Looks pretty good man!
    Looks pretty well forged, very smooth.
    One thing though, it seems there is just a giant circle of power weapons in the middle :/
    And thats not to good for a competitive map.
    But, other than that look nice, clean, and enjoyable.

  19. zanchee

    zanchee Ancient
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    Fixed a slight glitch allowing players to enter the base up the front wall and also added some more spawn points
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is so perfect, all my friends loved it, with a few improvements it could might make atlas.
    At least I think it should.
    The only improvement i can think of is adding more mongooses (for big team)

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