I'm curious what you guys think the best advanced forging technique found so far. Be it floating, interlocking, geography merging, unlimited budget, or even instant respawn (coupled with creation of immovable objects created by teles/WH). Or anything else you might think is better. IMO I think unlimited budget has been the best discovery thus far. Thought we would lose a lot if we weren't able to fuse or float, with unlimited budget our map sizes have doubled and some of these issues could be countered by the extra resources. Amen to unlimited budget!
id say its a combination of interlocking and map geo, but the most challenging would have to be map geo, so thats where my vote goes
I think interlocking enables players to do more with a map than just geometry merging. We could live without geometry merging, I'm not too sure about interlocking....
I'm sorry lol, I figured some people would be torn between two and want to vote for two. I toyed with the option for a bit.
I only voted for interlocking, because GeoLocking is far too inconsistent to be considered a reliable technique. Still waiting for someone to discover a reliable way to do GeoLocking... --dc
I figured out randomly stairs last night. Works okay..slightly better than using a door..and I didn't even have to use any barriers. I just fused to stairs like in a t-shape (floating ones bottom through spawn point on ground stairs), and when I clicked the bottom stairs they sunk perfectly into the ground. I was able to recreate it a few times quite well, but only with stairs and I dunno if it was a fluke.
Whisper, you fail! Interlocking is by far the best. Floating=falling fusion coils. Interlocking = forgegasm.
Immovable objects. Without that, we wouldn't have Interlocking. Or, we would, but it'd be real laggy.
interlocking of course. how many maps have you seen on foundry that are featured that don't use interlocking? and anyways. interlocking helps make everything smooth and more clean. i just really dislike messy maps.