You're kidding me right. With three brand new maps to Forge on and including the fact that Sandbox is still fairly new in my opinion, I don't think there's no way at all that you're theory is going to happen. Especially, with the no clip glitch that was discovered recently, I can definitely see a decent amount of maps being made on Longshore, that is as long as there will be immovable objects to use at our disposal.
I didn't say nothing will be forged EVER again, I just said that until people have finished ODST to as much as they want or can, not many maps will be forged.
I agree with Gamer; Forging isnt gonna go quite after the release. Hell, like he said 3 ****ING NEW MAPS, lol. ODST, IMO, is just another feature to Halo 3, such as forge itself. I can guarantee you there will be a **** load of maps out.
Seriously. First of all, there's been a hugely more popular thread about this. Guess what? Everyone thinks that Forgehub ain't gonna die tomorrow. In fact, most people put it as that ForgeHub traffic will increase. Look, 3 new maps, 3 new sets of Forge items. Just read the threads before you post, there's another thread in ODST Discussion.
i think forging will be more popular than ever i mean a)new maps b) no clip glitch c) people will probably try to make scenes from the odst campaign p.s do the maps come out for dl at the ame time?
Face palm* Just cause bungie is releasing a new Halo game doesn't mean people aren't going to forge. ODST has Halo 3's Forging option ya' know. Plus with the new maps comes fresh ideas. FH isn't going to die any time soon. Nock on wood*
Crypto nv 4905 ORLY? EDIT, also, this is pretty obvious, not like you ask its like you walk up to me and say "YOUR SHIRT IS YELLOW" not everyone gets ODST also, and some people want to forge the new maps and not play campaign/ firefight(ftw) Paro ocumboIX.XXII.IX EDIT 2 9/22/09 +3/-1/+3=7 12/21/12 1+2/2+1/1+2=9 9 came out on 9/9/09 9+9+9=27, 27 bungie is telling us something...