Well I had an idea for a version 3 of my map Black Hole. Its king of the hill and the aim is to be the last one standing earning you 1 point. Being in the Hill keeps you alive. Now what I wanted is to have as the round goes on every 10 seconds or so the KOTH radius gets smaller and smaller giving you less space to move around in your ghost. The smaller the hill gets the closer it pushes you towards the BlackHole and the more you have to fight for your space. Anyone who dies from either the hole or being outside of the hill will spawn on a viewing platform. Now the thing is to do this I would need a setting for KOTH where if you walk outside the hill you die instantly or in a matter of seconds. But im not sure if you can do that. I would see if it was possible myself but my xbox is being repaired atm. So please comment on if its possible or not to do that with KOTH and what you think of the idea. Pic 1 of map Pic 2 of map Heres a link to the first version BlackHole
Why don't you actually just make the map get smaller itself after every ten seconds or so, it's not that hard. But to answer your question sadly there is no way to make someone die by being outside of the hill.
You would probably just have to have a similar system to Hog the Hill set up. Maybe have a couple more seconds of control required before you win to allow players time to get back into the hill if they're out of it when it becomes smaller. Then again, I don't know how close to the grid the map actually is. If you use the above system, you may have to raise it higher or do something to slow the ghosts' decent as they fall. Maybe a grav lift tube where the grav lifts are destroyed ever 10 seconds and have a 10 second respawn. That might usually allow sufficient time for the last man in the hill to win the round before everyone else dies.
Maybe if you made the map get smaller by spawning some kill balls around the outside of the hill. The best you could do is set trait to no shields when outside the hill. And falling fusion coils as soon as the hill shrinks. the explosion might kill people outside the hill?
I dont think thats going to work because the map has already used every bit of the budget and to do that would take alot of items and plus what happens when your on your ghost and the block spawns around you. Im not sure what you mean with any of this. A map link to Hog The Hill would be good I like the fusion coil idea but i will only use it if theres no better option. And with the Kill ball idea Ive already used 2 of the hole so I doubt the remaining 2 will be enough for what is needed
You could make the players invulnerable while inside the hill, and faster but weak while outside the hill. And you could have the hill just move around the map and get smaller each time by using smaller hills. EDIT: Scrap the above sentence. Just place several hill markers on the same spot and, in order, decrease the radius of each one by regular increments. Then set the hill movement to "sequential". Make players weak when out of the hill, and make the zombie (blue team) slow.
Thats a good idea but its completely different to what I wanted. I might make a few more versions of the map and this could be one of them The idea was to have everyone playing on there own ghost but I think I see what you mean with having the blue team and red team thing. So the blue team spawns on ghosts and the red team have no vehicles but they have a gun such as the brute shot and they kill anyone who moves outside of the hill (because when they do they lose their invincibility. What Im not sure about is the scoring system? And for KOTH the same setting apply to both teams. So while the ghosts can be killed outside the hill so can the zombies/red team. Plz reply and explain your idea in more detail.
I was thinking that the blue team would be the zaombies (blue team = attackers), but other than that, everything else is what I meant. Although the zombies will still be able to kill the humans in the hill by knocking them into the killball.
Ok I understand a bit better but is everyone on the redteam ( the ghost team) just trying to survive for a time limit or gaining hill points? Are they working together or against eachother? What happens to them when they die?