Maybe the extra unlockable will be a Spartan with ****ed up armor and the armor does nothing for him, but he never went through the augumentations and couldn't move in the armor anyways, but when his armor got stripped the weight went down and it got shorter... or just a human Spartan armor that functions just like the ODST armor... and when you think about it, the director's favorite superhero could be Batman.*shrugs* Oh, the possibilities... I'm going to Legendary first. No ****ing doubt.
You beat different levels in campaign to unlock Dutch, Mickey, Buck and Romeo. The Rookie is already unlocked, and your default firefight character. The special person unlocked after beatin Legendary is Dare. Johnson is a preorder only.
Aww all my speculations dropped D: ODST just HAS to come out on a school day, it HAS to. Really?! W/E, least I have no karate on the day. Lawl.
I heard that ODST came out in New Zealand, because someone on Speed e Cake's friendslist was playing it the other day. And you don't get banned.....
Aw knowing the answers to everything is no fun, and i only saw three achievments were you unlock another character in firefight, Oh well.
Im sorry, but i couldnt listen to such crazy outrageous hype such as "damaged spartans" and all that. Everyone does stuff like that every time we are in anticipation for anything, and it drives me crazy. No one uses common sense and clues anymore. lol
Why you making fun of me? It's Bungie, they do all this random stuff to make their games more interesting, and sometimes they give out dead clues and yet they releases the complete opposite of that. A damaged Spartan or a malfunctioned suit is VERY interesting to me, silence. Don't call me stupid, only I call myself stupid.
I never have facts for anything, due to me doing stuff at the last nanosecond. Plus there was no evidence of different Hunters before (my screenshots could have been lighting mistakes) But look at the homepage. You know the part where you have to hover over the numbers to view differents pictures of different articles? look at each one. There's a Deep Gold or Orange Hunter. Was there any evidence? No. Is the Orange Hunter proven (98%) now? Yes. And I was just speculating, my imagination was flexing far and I just wanted to share my thoughts. But, let's get back to the thread (sorry for going off) but now that it's so close to the release date, Bungie and Microsoft May Be focusing on the games (theres around 8-10 games coming out on the 22) coming out, and how to do the stuff for it. And b4 someone says that I'm saying play your illegal copy now, DON'T. SAY IT. I said and capitalized may be.
Nah, but there are several types of brutes and grunts, so it is plausible that hunters could have different types as well. See? Evidence that its possible, and probable based on what is put in front of us. Im just saving your feelings for when you bust your ass on Legendary and all you get is Dare. :]
Bust my ass? I went through Halo 3 Legendary with A sniper, shotgun and assaults (and grenades) without dying. Same strategy with Romeo. Be glad I said 98%. Well... I should say I'm glad. lol. Anyways, I guess I'll be glad with Dare as a player, her personality is pretty good. Dutch and Mickeys are better though.
No everyone can do that, I just responded to his "bust your ass" comment. I'd rather just run through the Campaign on Easy, find some Easter Eggs then go on Legendary, to see how much harder it is. But seriously, everyone can do that on their own.