Strider Created by Reynbow DOWNLOAD STRIDER HERE Supported Gametypes: Works with all gamtypes. Best with CTF and Assault. Map Description This map is a small sized map for close quaters combat and fast pase action. Quick reflexes will help you a lot with this map. In the shape of a U this map has each base at the two ends of the U shape. Teleporters at either base take you too a small corridor room were you can quickly get from one side to the other, or take a third teleport to the middle of the map. Moving to the middle of the U you find a single mauler sitting unprotected behind a small wall. On the opposite side of Mauler spawn is a short corrider protected by two shield doors. You will also find a Regenerator here and two hidden Grav Lifts. Above the shield doors are two hidden rooms only accessible with impressive jumping skills or the use of a grav lift. Weapons and Equipment x2 Mauler x2 Battle Rifle x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Carbine x2 Assault Rifle x4 SMG x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Needler x4 Frag Grenade x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Spike Grenade x1 Regen x2 Deployable Cover x2 Grav Lift x1 Power Drain x1 Bubble Shield _________________________________________________ "Base B" Venturing outside Outside shield corridor Inside shield corridor "Base A" Going the back way Which way now? Camping or strategy? Not so hidden room Overview of map [Looks better inside =P] As noted by Tex and some others posted here, this screenshot has the roof removed. I have tested this map a lot with many people and is quite impossible to escape from. This picture is only here to give you a rough idea of the layout of the map. _________________________________________________ Download, comment and rate =] Give it a go, what do you have to loose... Except some HDD space, and maybe time, and possibly... Oh nevermind. Just give it a go =] DOWNLOAD STRIDER HERE
Whoa dude, this looks great! I love the use of interlocking and creative layout. Dude but why did you put this in casual maps, this looks like a great competitive map, ???
It really is very competitive map. The only reason I put it in the casual section is because of the "secret rooms". You need to use a grav lift to get to them, which is a bit gimmicky so I thought it be best suited here. Maybe I was a bit nit picky =P Criticizing my own map? xD
Competitive maps can have tricky stuff and secret stuff, I still strongly feel this belongs with the better maps in competitive. Would you please consider it?
Okay I guess so then lol. Perhaps having a mod move the topic... I dunno, I don't wanna mess around with "forum etiquette" =\ (eg. Posting the same map in two seperate areas)
I was thinking about Half Life 2 when I saw the name of the map. Although, I am not disappointed. The use of interlocking is great. Downloading. I need to get a group together to see how this plays.
Thanks very for the feedback guys. "the other dark", if you want to add me I will play it with you =P I haven't got a good group together yet to play it. Only 2v2 matches when testing it. GT = Reynbow =] Edit: Oh Brute Captain I almost forgot about you =P You are the bestest for starting the movement! (Wow doesn't that make it sound so epic...) Anyway, thanks one and all =]
Thankyou very much Ferrari Oh if anyone was interested this map took about 2 weeks to make from conception to completion. Aproximately 20 hours of ingame Forging. And about 3 hours of gametesting. About 1-2 hours of bug fixing, and now you have the final product =P 24.5 Hours of blood, sweat and tears. Well okay not so much blood and sweat... or tears. But it took a while to make okay...
Lol well if you look at it ingame there is actually a weapon holder there. Weapon holders look really messy so I didn't include it in the screenshot. You don't notice it too much when actually playing the map though =] Edit: It's actually floating in the air in the middle of the corridor =]