Armageddon Built by RC Suggested players : 4-16 Suggested gametypes : Btb slayer, Koth, One flag This is Armageddon, or at least what its become so far. Obviously this is a preview of it because its not done, so if you have any thoughts about the map let me know. I have changed the name from ragnarok to armageddon because I was informed ragnarok was taken, if armageddon is let me know and ill figure something else out. Weapons: Missile pod x1 Spartan laser x1 Sniper rifle x1 Carbine x1 Battle rifle x6 Smg x4 Spiker x2 Plamsa pistol x1 Plasma rifle x2 Rocket launcher x1 Gravity hammer x1 Shotgun 1 Machinegun turret x1 Plasma grenade x10 Fragmentation grenade x8 Power drain x1 Regenerator x1 Bubble shield x2 Overshield x1 Acitve camoflauge x1 Scorpion x1 Warthog x2 Banshee x1 Mongoose x4 Chopper x1 As you can currently see, the blue base is going to be a copy of a base from valhalla, while the red base is going to be a copy of the main structure from the halo 2 map relic, both of which will have their spires intact. Thank you and I hope to get some feedback soon.
Dude that is so beast. This looks freaking amazing. Blue base is an exact replica maybe just scaled down a little and red base wow, you should make a relic remake haha. It's looking good so far don't change a thing, and im sure anything you think of will only enhance the map. PS. first post woot haha Edit: only thing i can think of is maybe try to create a hill or something in between the bases, i know you have some small structures but a hill would be sweet, but hey that just my opinion.
Theres a kinda small archway in between... I'm not sure if you can see it in the overview, but its there. Thanks man, I've been working on it for the better part of two months now.
i was thinkink about doin a relic remake on the sandbox level an merge it into the dunes and make it like a dusty wasteland feel (like all remakes on sandbox) - dont forget to add the nice sniper perch/pad that relic had! looks good so far tho
Change the name. Armageddon is already taken by a map that's pretty well known because it was one of the first Sandbox mini game maps.
Thank you master debayter, I did not know that. And I just want to make it clear this is not a remake of either map, it just utilizes those two structures and has others that give a nostalgic feel of the two maps.
Dude, this is pretty sweet, but two things. First, Armageddon is taken by a really well known mini-game map. Second, I really like the idea of the spires, but it seems like a huge waste of peices. Look at it this way; Either A) build an OMG awesome map with really cool bases and gameplay, or B) have spires. Just my opinion though, so...
Dont worry about me having enough pieces, I will, I planned this thing out. plus the spires should help the banshee not get butt-raped, nut I may be wrong. Any suggestions on what I should name it then?
This map is gonna be a gangster but you did so well with the vallhalla base you might as well try to remake vallhalla
Got to hand it to you, it is looking amazing, the Relic base is coming along well also. As for suggestions, I would take out those corner pieces, they never really seem to play well on forged maps, hell, they don't even play well on Sandtrap. You should try to incorporate parts of the dunes on the side of your map, just so there is more variety in your geometry, since it seems like all there is now is two aesthetic bases and flat land every where else. On the Valhalla Base, I would suggest taking out the Fusion Coil, sicne they took it out of MM, and it just seems a little randomly placed. That is about all I can think of. Right now, the only thing that could make the map dull is having too much flat ground.
There should be once everything is done, about 3-4 things in the sandy areas to stretch gameplay, but the relic structure also will pull the higher intentisty gameplay towards it.
I generally like the name Desolate, Desolation would be good also, or maybe idk something ancient. it seems to fit the map well.
Coalecense would be an awesome name, because its definiately original, and it combines two different maps. It turns two ideas/organisms and combines them into one totally beast entity. I would have said Symbiosys, but its taken =( Anyway, I wasnt aware that this had a banshee, in which case that pillar is neccasary. I just have absolutely no attention spam. Like how I have my final essay open in another window (due tomorrow) and yet I'm still typing this.
So far suggestions have been desolate and coalecence. I'm thinking towards the ancient style name as well, but I want it to be related to mythology of some sort, so I think I might go with Asgard, or Freya.
I'd go with Asgard, i think Freya has been used a couple of times. And well im a stargate guy so Asgard ftw.
Yeah, SG-U looks friggin amazing, can't wait for it to come on. Ok, I hope nobody uses asgard in the next couple months then, I don't really want to have to change the name again.
Yeah my tv will never be off syfy when SG U comes out haha. You should be like patent, name Asgard for my map anyone who uses it will be hacked and have there computer completely decimated.
Yeah, ill find them and call a parade of midgets on rollerblades to skate between their legs and punch em in the balls if they take it. ^.^ obviously that's a joke, I don't want anyone getting butthurt thinking I actually would do that.
I could do that for you. lol/jk Spoiler To keep this from being spam; I really like the name, its creative, well known, and im pretty sure that no body has used it before. It also brings to life the old mythical fealing that you mentioned was kinda your thing. You got my support. I will beat anyone who trys to steal your idea with my spleen.