I'm going to be hosting some MLG Scrimages soon. I will probably do from about 2-8 a month. The reason being is I hate going into matchmaking(MLG) alone or with 1 more person and not being able to communicate to the other to teamates . Theres going to be more updates to come. ie; Dates. But one thing I am doing if we get enough people to join is making a gamertag. I'll add the person(s) to that gamertag, and if im hosting a 'scrim or two I'll invite the Person(s) on the friends list. Also, im only hosting 2v2-4v4. Im not going to open a party just to ffa with one person. As soon as I get a few signups, I will see what times I have open. Note: All times are in EST (GMT -5) And I have school and all that fun stuff.
This would be great if people actually had teams to play with. That way, you could keep track of who's team is coming on top. Eh, I guess my team, STR8 LOLN, would be down. Roster: Insane IZ LOLN Rochey IZ LOLN Shanon IZ LOLN Amercan IZ LOLN Quiga IZ LOLN
Alright. 7+ me = 8.. I could try and make a 4v4-3v3 scrim this weekend. Also, Im going to make a GT. Probably "Doniis Scrims" or something like that..
Let me and my "Team in Progress" get in on this too. We need to run some gamplay compatibility tests to make sure we can play well against other good teams. Roster: Phreakie Zanitor Variable Teammates: crookd killa Ii lonewolf ii Rainshy add me and i'll set up the rest
Alright. the account im doing it on is " Doniiiii " I\ll be holding the customs on that account, ive only added shanon so far, so if you get a f/r from that account its for the scrims. if you dont get a f/r tommorow or the next, add it up, ill be suree to accept it.