Made By: aa traffic cone Map Download: Black Hawk Down Game Download: Evacuation Players: 6-16 Overview: Black Hawk down is a VIP-Infection hybrid based on the movie we have all seen. I tried my best to recreate a city-fighting feel for the map, and I think it came out great. Now instead of boring you anymore, I'll jump right into describing the map. The Marines spawn inside a cozy little room with the door sealed of by a dumpster with only a pistol to defend themselves from the Somali Militia. After 10 seconds, a pair of mancannons spawn to push the dumpster away, and you are then set free to the first area. Immediately, you have to run across the open land and get inside the building on the opposite side of the area, or risk being slaughtered by the enemy SMG's and pistols. That’s right, the enemy has GUNS instead of swords, so they can injure you from afar. For those who are too afraid to venture out into enemy territory, then you are allowed to stay inside the room and get your brains blown out. It’s your choice. Do whatever you want. Once you are inside the main building, you will find an assortment of weapons, windows to shoot out of, and the first checkpoint for the VIP worth 1 point. Some of the weapons in your new arsenal include two M16s (Assault Rifles), two M1A1 Carbines (Battle Rifles), one AA12 (Shotgun), one Barrett M107 (Sniper Rifle), and two Russian F1s (Frag Grenades). Although it seems like you have enough weapons to supply a small army, they are low on ammo, so make every shot count. When the timer reads 2:30, you must leave the building through the back door and go out into the city streets. Now, this area isn't supposed to be taken lightly. Although there is plenty of cover and more weapons, the enemies are now on the rooftops shooting down on you. Hidden in the streets you will find ammo to refill your weapons, Molotov Cocktails (Firebomb Grenades), the turret from the destroyed vehicle, which you can pick up, and a health pack (Custom Powerup), which spawns at 2:00. <<Continued in next post.>>
Make your way to the back alley way and hold off there until the timer reads 1:30. There you will find the next VIP destination worth two points and the door which will take you to the third area. Now you are on a balcony shooting across No-Man's-Land at at the enemy. There is limited cover and little ammunition, so this is one of the toughest spots to beat. The enemy is shooting at you from their balcony, so be sharp. Also, they can run across the gap and board your balcony, so don't be afraid to beat them down to protect what's yours. They spawn quickly and come in large numbers, so be careful as your ammo dwindles to nothing. At 1:00, make your way to the door for an additional 3 points and access to the final area. Now you've broken into one of the enemy munition warehouses. Some of the weapons which you will most likely be toting around with include more AA12s, M16s, M1A1 Carbines, Molotov Cocktails, Russian F1s, an RPG (Rocket Lawnchair c wat i did thar?), and a M240G (Machine Gun Turret). Exit through the door into the hallway and try to make it to safety at the end. You only have one minute, so you better hurry up. There are many objects to hide behind, so the enemy are crawling all over the place. As you get closer to the final destination, you also get closer to the enemy base camp, so when they spawn, they are already on top of you. Reach the end of the hallway for an additional 4 points and you have successfully beaten the game. Traits Marines 200% Damage Resistance 4X Overshields No Recharge Immune to Headshots - Disabled 90% Damage Primary Weapon - Magnum Secondary Weapon - None Grenades - None Infinite Ammo - Disabled Weapon Pickup - Enabled 100% Speed 150% Gravity Enhanced Radar - 10m Waypoint - Visible to Allies Forced Color - White Somalia Militia 110% Damage Resistance No Shields Immune to Headshots - Disabled 90% Damage Primary Weapon - Magnum Secondary Weapon - SMG Grenades - None Infinite Ammo - Enabled Weapon Pickup - Disabled 110% Speed 75% Gravity Radar - Disabled Waypoint - Visible to Allies Forced Color - Brown Custom Powerup Duration - 3 Seconds Shield Recharge - 2X Shield Recharge rate - 200% General 6 Rounds 4 Minute Round Length 10 Points to Win VIP Death Ends Round 3 Second Respawn 3 Minute Suicide Respawn Tips -The VIP is the most important player for the Marines. If he dies, the round is over. Protect him at all costs. -Everybody in the game has an infinite number of lives. The catch is that the Marines spawn inside a box with grenades when they die. They can commit suicide which will trigger a 3 minute respawn. During the 3 minutes they can follow the players who are still alive in the game around and provide information to their teammates. The point of this is to give the game more of an infection feel without unbalancing the teams too much during the end of the game. -Although the Marines have an enormous amount of healh, all it takes is one whack to the back to kill them. If you are a Marine, work together with your teammates and cover each other's backs. If you are an enemy, try to hide behind corners and assassinate them when they walk by. -If you are a Marine, aim for the head because the enemy doesn't have any shields. All it takes is one precise shot and they'll be dropping like flies. -If you are a Militia man, try to shoot from further away while using your pistol. The pistol is surprisingly strong weapon from mid to long range distances. If You are using your SMG, use it only in close quarters because it is very inaccurate at anything more than short range. Well, thats it. Please download the map and gametype. I spent many days perfecting this and making it the most fun possible. Any feedback is appreciated and I will gladly take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Also, if you need somebody to play this with give me an invite and I'll join. Lastly, there is nothing more satisfying to know that somebody enjoys your work because then it makes everything worth it.
seems very interesting but isnt this in the casual section so I thought infection but what ever. Any map looks fairly interesting I like how you made it very movable. I will download this map and hopefully have fun playing it. nice job
Looks nice and well though-out. A little hint, though... there were no Marines in BHD. Sorry, couldn't resist saying something.
Don't post in white. Some Oldfags using Old School Light can't see then. Otherwise this map looks pretty fun. I'll download and give it a few plays, then get back to you.
Damn you beat me to it! I was going to make a map just like this, except on sandbox. I love this general idea of escort, it's one of my favorite gametypes. There are so many possiblities. If only you could make the VIP team have 1 life and the enemy team have as much lives as possible. The map looks pretty good. The one thing about foundry I hate is you can't get a great overview. Maybe nex time go into paint and make an overview of the map? Even if it is crappy it would still help. Do the marines acuatlly use the cover? you should make that. Anyways, looks fun 4/5.