Competitive Maps: I Demand CHANGE!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Monolith, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    what a ****. Seriously man that was uncalled for...

    Anyways back on topic, I can easily see where both sides are coming from. I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to this subject. I know what Eric means when he says all the maps have just become the same generic thing with little to no variation, but I see the others' point that competitive maps are meant to actually be competitve, not unbalanced. But then that can just get boring sometimes... So I just see it as a never ending arguement that no one is going to win...

    P.s if you're wondering, i'm brainstorming a sandbox map that will boast roughly 6, maybe 7 switches/traps/etc (zipline, drawbridge, invisatrig, earthquake, elavators and doors and all that jazz) Im really excited to see how it turns out. Let me know if you are interested I might need some help
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I think you missed this thread.
    I have.
    Read above post.
    Don't assume, Scobra.

    Well, then I advise you to think more about the topic before you post.

    First off, how is that generally false?

    Second, I'm saying the chances are higher that someone that's been at a website twice as long as someone else knows more than the person who's been there for 1/2 the time.

    Chances. Probability. Don't get me wrong, I'm hearing you, but you aren't reading my posts carefully.
    You are not getting it. Kanye West is already a VERY famous rapper who said something stupid. Of course he's going to get media attention.
    You're comparing apples to oranges.
    Oh, okay, so now you're basing off what ALL my competitive maps are on... off of your memory. Great argument there.

    And about your whole 'I'm a hypocrite so I should shut up' rant. I made focus because nobody else had made a map with a conveyor belt besides Pallet Parade.

    Plus, I made the majority of my maps before switches were found. I don't even forge that much anymore. Although, I like to view other people's creations, just to see how things are going.

    EVEN IF I'm a hypocrite. Does that really mean anything?

    And I'm not even going to reply to your God interpretations. Please don't get off topic and don't make things personal. If you're wrong, except it. Don't go out of your way just so you don't look bad.

    And, Phreakie, I see how my "invisibilty powerup for 2 minutes" thing was a pretty bad example... and I see your point, too. However, I still think people can implement such things as modern switches into their competitive maps just to create interesting lifts, elevators, moving platforms, doors, and just general things that can help add more things such as technique to the map's play value.
    #22 Monolith, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    And all that is perfectly fine, but I don't think that a thread is needed for it. Maps like this have been posted. Moon Waffle, that one map with a barrelvator, and even my map Clockworks. Switches have been done before and are still being made today. It's pointless to heal something that's currently still alive and well.
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    This thread is a general "outcry" for member to create newly styled competitive maps because, currently, I'd say about 1 in every 10 competitive maps, at the most, include something completely out of the ordinary. I think it should be more like 4 or 5 out of 10.

    It's not that these styles of maps aren't necessarily made already, it's also that I think the community should be much more open to these maps.

    ..and I've seen a couple of people, just through this thread, who strongly disagree against this type of change. It's these people that I'm worried about.
  5. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    That's part of the reason why maps are featured though. That one in ten map is the one that staff looks for. It's true that rarely ever does a map play uniquely or has something innovative enough. But when it does, it almost alsways gets recognition of some sort whether it be high downloads or a feature here on Forgehub.

    Senior Member

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    I find this thread funny because Erico once wrote his entire gamertag out in teleporter nodes on the wall of one of his maps

    oh the irony :)
  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I attempted to, but he decided to be judgmental and assume that my opinion didn't matter for only having signed up recently. I'm just trying to get my point across

    Just making the statement that if he were to make it personal, I would as well. That doesn't mean what I stated was what I believe. Also, I don't care if I'm a ****. At least I'm honest.

    New gameplay ideas. New as in, not done before, and I wasn't assuming. I even stated that I appreciated the map for having good gameplay, although the conveyor belt doesn't really change do much to change the gameplay considering its more or less just aesthetics, which I believe you stated that you wanted gameplay changes not aesthetic ones.

    Not every person younger than you is less knowledgeable than you. I've seen this proven many times. The same applies with signing up on a website. I never said it had nothing to do with probably and chance, because it does, but the fact that you acted like you disregarded my opinion from the beginning because I signed up just recently was uncalled for and once again promotes how arrogant you are sometimes by thinking I know nothing because I didn't decide to sign up two years ago.

    Rick Astley wasn't very popular nor well known when Rick Rolling was created. Within the course of a few months Rick Rolling became something extremely well known. You just don't seem to understand the point that I'm trying to make. Keep trying to make maps that add something unique to the gameplay and eventually your trend will possibly be followed. It may not necessarily happen overnight, but it could eventually happen.

    I never said I'm basing all of your maps off of just the ones from memory. I even said that they were great maps regarding gameplay, but the gameplay is the same general Halo gameplay in each one.

    It's ironic, and irony is funny.

    #27 Scobra, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    So you're saying we shouldn't prosper just so that ForgeHub can pick its features easily?
    At least it's something new.
    Plus, that's the aesthetics part. I'm in no way saying that you shouldn't include aesthetics.

    Why are you deciding to COMPLETELY avoid my actual points?
    AND even IF I'm being a hypocrite, what the hell does that prove?!

    Damn, you guys aren't catching me at the best of moods.
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    So you're saying everyone needs to suddenly just learn how to make a perfect, feature worthy map all the time? That will probably never happen.

    It proves that you telling everyone to make supur awsum 1337 maps that are uber original and deserv feechur is ironic because you don't even make supur awsum 1337 maps that are uber original and deserv feechur, therefore, why would we listen to your points? Plus, irony is funny.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    My points were that I've seen this competitive maps section go from non-interlocked objects, to floating objects, to interlocked objects, to geomerged objects, to swit-.. Oh wait, people forgot to add switches into their maps.

    I was simply stating you probably don't have enough experience because you've only caught the end of the changes.
    Good for you, bad for the people you talk about. Why should you care?
    Conveyor belts move, I'll have you know. Sure, it doesn't effect gameplay a lot, but it does to a certain extent.

    STOP GETTING SO PERSONAL. I'm just saying people should include new things such as switches, then you claimed I'm a hypocrite, now I'm defending how I'm not a hypocrite, when really it shouldn't matter at all.
    The fact still remains that competitive maps have been held rather firm since the beginning of Halo, and to state they've changed because of their layouts is fine enough, but I'm saying there should be more change involving switches and just generally new ideas that may seem crazy at the start, but really show improvement at the end.
    I'm taking probability. Yes, it's not proven, but it's more probable that someone more experienced knows more than someone less experienced. It's common sense. I don't mean anything else by it.

    That's the 3rd or 4th time I've gone over that. I don't even see how it's relevant any longer.
    You can't say things happen over night, because we both know they don't. I can't say they happen over years, either... BUT you can't assume that I alone can start a new map series that will be overwhelmed in popularity. I just doesn't happen that way, and I though you, a fellow forger, would know that.

    I'm just saying I've tried making new ideas, but it hasn't worked all too well. There's nothing more to say.
    You said, "as far as I remember". That's basing off of your memory.

    Still, this is irrelevant and off topic.
    Yes, you aren't wrong. I never said you were wrong entirely about your views.

    I'm not saying change is necessary, but only saying change should be supported in a more positive way... somehow...

    Umm.... no.
    I'm saying things change, and that when people add change to certain mechanisms or ways of doing things, generally, one group of people stand out from the other.
    Features will, for the most part, always be easily recognized, it's only the level of expectations that change.
    Okay, now you're just being immature.

    Let me put it this way:

    I walk into a room with C4 strapped to my back, then claim, "people are going too far with this C4 thing and we should probably stop this so that nobody gets hurt."

    Even if I'm being a hypocrite, does the fact that people shouldn't walk around with C4 strapped to their backs really change?

    ..Really, I feel like you're just completely avoiding my points.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    That is because switches are hard to utilize and don't always work 100% of the time. This has already stated before.

    From the way you stated it, that's the vibe I was getting and is the vibe I am still getting.

    I'm not trying to be immature, I'm trying to get my point across in simpler methods. I know the fact doesn't change, I never said it doesn't. People just don't tend to listen to hypocrites.

    And you go right ahead and avoid me. I won't lose anything of value. Just one less arrogant person to deal with on my adventures through the internet.
    #31 Scobra, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Everyone knows originality is dead.
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    There is no problem with switches not always working. If the person who forges a switch into their map, they will find a way to make it work 100% of the time. The real issue with switches is that they shouldn't be implyed into most maps. Switches tend to make or break a map and in most cases suited to more casual gameplay. If half the maps that were made had switches like you say they should, then their would most likely be a high drop in the quality of maps. Basically what I'm trying to say is that a switch can be compared to a turret or better yet, a vehicle on foundry. Switches usually are placed to promote movement through certain areas of a map. This being said, it can be predicted that the use of a switch is only good for certain maps that have been previously designed especially for it. As you can see, trying to promote switches or make people more open minded about them is somewhat irrelevant since most map designs are thought of randomly and/or devised from inspiration of some sort. A person would have to set they're heart out on making a map that included a switch which isn't exactly a task you would call easy or original.

    Excuse the grammar typing on an iPhone.
    #33 Phreakie, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I feel like ripping my hair out. This thread... Ugh.

    Okay, change is good. Change is necessary. Change brings new and good things. Mostly. And if something isn't good, it won't become accepted. Releasing maps can start a trend, but so can asking for change. If you ask everyone to start doing something new and out there, then that starts lots of new things, which becomes the new trends.

    It doesn't have to be switches.

    BTW, show me someone who says he isn't a hypocrite, and I'll show you a liar.

    If we have more good maps, then the truly great ones will be the ones that get featured.

    New ideas(good)=Awesome map=new trend=more awesome maps.


    New idea(bad)=bad map=forgotten=fail

    So what can it hurt to try?

    Don't anyone go personal on my ass neither.
  15. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yes, but they aren't totally useless. I'm saying, why not at least try it more often? And no, it's not just switches...
    Just to make things clear, we never established whether I was a hypocrite or not, but yes, I'll agree with that last statement.
    Okay, I never said I'd avoid you, but since you insist... You've got it.
    #35 Monolith, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    lol when two people are duking it out verbally, never try to be a mediator, unless you no longer have any dignity. You generally end up with colorful insults of all nationalities halfway up your ass, and nobody likes anything halfway up their ass.
  17. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Switches and original stuff like you spoke about should be left in casual, mini-games, and aesthetic categories. Thats what the casual category is for in the first place. The challenge of making a competitive map is the layout, weapons, spawns and things like that. Competitive maps aren't meant to be a challenge to be original. It's a challenge to go back to basics and make those basics perfect.
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The reason that switches don't work very well for Competitive maps is because it really interrupts the gameplay. That's one of the reasons that Moon Waffle isn't really my favorite map. The elevator is really too finicky to actually work very well in combat. A simple grav lift could have achieved the same effect with more ease for the player.
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Switches can be good, you see.. Plus, I'm not trying to say only switches should be implemented... but also different gametypes, such as swat, conquest, etc.
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    Or our map Hysteria. :-D

    What are you talking about? Originality is just getting started. ;-)

    + Ivory, you are one of us few that make things original and change it up a bit, and know gameplay quite well so that we can add both into our maps.
    #40 Blaze, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009

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