The 3 new maps coming with ODST will help as there'll be more maps and hopefully new objects added to forge
You know what Bungie should do now that you've made me thought of it? They should allow forging on the firefight maps. The firefight maps have destructable barriers, vast open areas, and unique layouts that would provide us with an opportunity to add our own "Twist" to firefight gameplay. Bungie can't honestly think they could get away with only giving us firefight and campaign. They've been hinting towards some other "Big" feature, but when will they tell us? Oh, and back to the topic, why would Forgehub die? I understand most Halo: CE dedicated websites died when Halo 2 was released. And that most Halo 2 websites died when Halo 3 was released. But it's been quite a long time since the release of Halo 3, and you know what? Forge Hub has been running strong this whole time. It's the diverse Matchmaking playlists, and forging that keep it up and running. If Bungie had expected everybody to stop playing Halo 3 after Halo: ODST's release, they wouldn't have included a second disk, now would they?
like conkerkid above said, y would bungie release the rest of the mythic map pack if they thought/knew that halo 3 would just be abandoned because of Halo: ODST. It would have been pointless. anyway, forgehub is huge and too full of pure awesomeness to just die and wither away. it will probably, most likely improve popularity. with everyone who gets it ODST getting the new maps, member count within forgehub will explode
Firefight will never replace the regular matchmaking, as cool as it is. ODST is just an addon. Halo 3 won't be eclipsed by anything until reach fall 2010.
You bring up a good Point, they have been hinting at something... But I think thats all just wishful thinking.
Actually theyve stated multiple times that it is no longer considered an add-on. But still i dont think its big enough to knock out halo 3.
ODST may not be considered an add-on, but it pretty much is one due to the lack of it's own competitive multiplayer and close similarity to H3... Since its only multiplayer is really Halo 3, it is pretty much an add-on... It is pretty much just a long-run campaign addition and 1 new multiplayer mode (firefight) with a beta (which will probably not be available after Reach comes out)
i dont understand why it would die to all the people are still going to use sandbox because the next maps arnt really like foundry or sandbox so people are still going to make maps but probably not as often.
No I actually think that it will grow. People are going to probably make their own versions of FireFight, Campain, etc... Plus this may influence more people to pick up a copy of Halo 3. Just my opinion.