Sandbox Orion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by luckeas, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Map: Orion V2 **Updated 9/19/09

    Map Description (As seen in map browser): Out from ruins once possessed, fallen city, living death. Designed by Blackprinze, 8-16 players.


    Short Film displaying 4v4 Neutral Bomb
    Short Film displaying 8v8 Team Slayer


    Version 2 Pictures and Updates.

    Map: Orion V2 **Updated 9/19/09

    Well it's about that time Orion got another update.

    This update was all about creating even safer places for people to spawn and re-balancing where I wanted the player movement to be focused.

    The Gravity Lifts in each base has seen a makeover as well.

    It was also my focus to create even better gameplay in the open "Kill-zones" of the map.

    Here are a couple Pictures of some of the changes.




    1. About Your Map

    Orion is a culmination of two maps; Tribal War and The Kingdom. Orion has taken what worked best about each map and not only fused them together but made the map more accessible to a map that suits 8v8. This is a true BTB map, maybe the only map on Sandbox that can say that right now.

    3. How many players best suit your map? Can it support players below or above your ideal player count?

    8-16, 4v4 runs really well on this map, but if you increase the numbers the action starts to climb.

    4. Does your map have vehicles? What purpose do the vehicles serve? Can it sustain vehicles?

    Yes, two Warthogs (90 second spawn) and two Mongooses (10 second spawn). This map was made for Warthogs to be a primary choice for players, yet they are very balanced. Not only do the vehicles add depth to the map, but they make for good transportation for Objective games too.

    6. What standard gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Oddball, King, Assault, VIP, Juggernaut, Territories, Infection) are supported by your map? Which work best? Which gametypes are not supported, or do not work best?


    CTF, Multi-Flag, One Flag
    Assault, Neutral Bomb, One Bomb
    Slayer, Team Slayer (ranging from 4v4 team slayer to 8v8 team slayer)

    Not Supported:


    4v4 Playtest:

    Team Slayer
    One Bomb
    Neutral Bomb

    5v5 Playtest:

    One Flag

    8v8 Playtest:

    BTB Team Slayer
    BTB Multi-Flag

    Short Films

    Short Film displaying 4v4 Neutral Bomb
    Short Film displaying 8v8 Team Slayer

    Map: Orion V2 **Updated 9/19/09

    Link to Atlas thread here
    #1 luckeas, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very impressive and smooth. But I have one question, does BR start work best for all of your gametypes? This map looks like it has good areas where you can dip in and out of cover, I like it. The design looks great and unsquared, adding to aesthetics. Good creation I may download later.
  3. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    This is a very impressive map! These kind of maps are my favorite because they are asthetically pleasing to the eye, yet very much playable. I love it! The only thing I request is some more pictures, please. I would like to see where the weapons spawn, the details of the map, & maybe even some action shots (or is that what the films are for?) Just be careful though; I have a BTB map, too, & mine feels like BTB with big amounts of 'splosions!! Hmhm... I give this a 9/10, but that's only because nothing's perfect. You're close!
  4. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Ok, first off, I really like this map. I don't usually download maps unless they're GREAT. This map is very balanced, and not just the weapons, but the layout never seems to give any one player at any time, some amazing position, that can't be beat. Also, the esthetics. I haven't had a chance to play it (and probably won't be able to until it makes it into matchmaking or I join a party thats playing it - I can never find enough people for a true btb map). So the following comments/pics are all about the esthetics of the map.

    The above pic shows the two spots on the map that I found had the "glitching" caused by merging pieces together. *note* this is ONLY on the red side for some reason.

    The above pic shows the lifts you used. As simple as they are..... they're awsome. They are awsome because they work! Alot of maps that I've tested lately, have lifts that are hit & miss. So its nice to see somebody use a design that I couldn't "break".

    I really loved this. I kept walking by, thinking something was wrong, but I couldn't place it. Then in the theatre mode, while taking the other pics, I noticed it. These pieces are merged PERFECTLY. And the finished product looks good too. Good job.
  5. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, BR starts does work best, being a large map it is convenient and should be the starting weapon.

    I'm going to fix that Z fighting btw, thanks for bringing it up.

    Thanks to all others who have looked at this map and liked it, thanks for the feedback.
    #5 luckeas, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  6. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    Hate to nit-pick, but they aren't merged perfectly. You can see a little more of the red than the blue. On to the map, it look very fun and balanced. As he ^ said, the lift looks really cool too. The bases are also well forged and the interlocking is clean, for the most part. :) JK
    Anyway, the center really looks like you got bored. Sorry, but you should add more than just walkways. Maybe another building in the middle? That should make it a lot more fun. Also, I suggest adding one prowler. 120 second respawn. It would bring a new element to your map. Duh. But, it's your choice.
  7. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Well I certainly didn't get bored, adding a structure or building in the middle would cause clutter, definitely not make the map more interesting or more fun to play. Most maps I do play are cluttered, and I hate most maps I look at.

    The middle is called a kill-zone, it has limited amounts of cover making it harder to cross, putting more cover would ruin the flow and purpose of this map.

    This map was also made with Warthog battles in mind, and through test it serves that exact purpose, Warthogs are not only fun to drive and shoot, but they are 10x that of a prowler.

    Prowlers from my point of view and from actually using them on Sandtrap/Avalanche/Campaign are the worst vehicle ever introduced to Halo, and are a worthless vehicle to actual use in combat, they are almost a joke.

    Thanks for looking at the map though, even though most of your ideas seem to have been shot down I promote people to think of things to better this map, so thanks.
  8. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    The map looks rather smooth and creative. I also enjoy the various ramps and structures who built throughout the map.

    4/5 - Great Job.
  9. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Looks like it has the same forging touch that Tribal War does. You have a quality that MANY new forgers need to learn: you don't overcomplicate/clutter maps. Pick a theme, stick to it, and give people room. Anyways, looks like another good job Blackprinze, DLed.
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A very good map! Probably the overall best/most original [competitive] sandbox map I've ever seen on the middle floor. Good job! I must download this.
  11. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks fellas for the feedback, I've been slowly but surely fixing and updating this map, like "z fighting" in one area, and have been play-testing and adjusting spawn timers and whatnot, but I'll post the newest version asap.
  12. Blackkat7073

    Blackkat7073 Ancient
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    Its a good map with good interlocking and alright double base design but it is a little to common on halo. Alright objective map but the only think I don't like is how the two sides look so much alike. Other then that it was a nice map and worth downloading.

    Originality 3.5/5 I'm not saying the map is bad but you do see allot of maps with the double base design and it is kinda old.

    Overall map 4/5 Good for CTF and assault and I liked the interlockings and weapon placements.
  13. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Orion V2 **Updated 9/19/09

    Well it's about that time Orion got another update.

    This update was all about creating even safer places for people to spawn and re-balancing where I wanted the player movement to be focused.

    The Gravity Lifts in each base has seen a makeover as well.

    It was also my focus to create even better gameplay in the open "Kill-zones" of the map.

    Here are a couple Pictures of some of the changes.



    #13 luckeas, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009

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