I'm Shutting this down. After seeing 4 weeks worth of reviewing pop up in 3 minutes I knew that this wasn't going to work. Resurrection of review hub priority number 1.
I'm really glad you decided to do this for the community. You do the best reviews I've seen and they do really help a lot.
Map name : Eternity Vale Link to Map : Eternity Vale Review Size : I'd like a good, in-depth review. Its up to you though.
Map Name: Flexure Link: Flexure Review Size: I'd like to see an in-depth review like the first examples you put up. But most of all just don't hold back in the review
Okay, I'd like the community to know that I will go by a system of first come first serve. However I am going to try and get small review done in between larger ones. Otherwise it would just take to long. Large Reviews: 1) Verge 2) Eternity Vail 3) Flexure Small Reviews: 1) Squads on Kwads 2) Air Hockey Also I will be putting a 5 mapque on the large section. So there are only two opportunities if you want to see it within the week.
Map Name: Depot 124 Link: Depot 124 A large review would be nice if you have enough room, like some of the first examples you have
Map name: Hydroxide Map Link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/82506-hydroxide.html Size: Whatever is convienient
Map Name: BlackHole V2 Map Link: BlackHole Size of review: I would ask for a big one but you've already got a lot of them and I cant imagine how much time it would take to do something like that so ill ask for a short one plz
Phone is on hold too. I prefer large, but you already have quite a few to do, so if you would prefer to do a small one, I'll be okay. Half-Cab v3 I would prefer large as well, but I understand if you do small. If you don't have much to put into your reviews, I can understand why they'd be small, but if you feel you have enough to say to fit in a large review, do a large one. (Of course, you couldn't see how much you have to say until you've already played games on them, unless you already have)
Map Name: Sahara of Fear Map Link: Forge Hub.com Review Size: Any size will do, but preferably a large review.
If you want to help people by reviewing maps, join the review team. Doesn't that just make alot of sense?
No.... There a dead group. if they actually reviewed maps, then I would use them. Could everybody stop with this preferably large, but it doesn't matter stuff. Just chose one. Since large ones are already full I will just bump those back to small.
Maybe it wouldn't be so dead if you and the executioners joined instead of making your own useless threads.
If you knew it wasn't going to work, why post it in the first place? You can't offer to do something and then just cancel because there was a bit more demand than you expected.
Surely you should just have a cut-off point? Say review the first 5 maps posted ( the number is up to you, obv ) and give yourself a period of time to do this. Then rinse and repeat, using mods to close and open the thread when necessary. However, if you feel you've bitten off more than you can chew then I'm cool with that. Your intentions were good at least.