This map is part of the H3FF Map Pack. For more details, you can view the map pack Here Reflux Remake of Xyience II Forged by xZonKeD Background Story: To clear things up early, yes, Reflux is a remake of the Foundry map known as Xyience II or also known as Flux. Xyience was originally designed in the program known as Sketchup. With this sketchup Iv0rY Snak3 and I forged Xyience. This map went through a few versions 3 to be precise until it became what it is now. The final version of the map on Foundry known as Xyience II went through a lot. The map made it on to Bungie Favorites, Forgehub Favorites, had a Forgehub Feature, and was even tested by a few pros during the time that Killa KC was looking at maps for v6. With all of that being said some may say why would you even bother remaking the map on Sandbox then..? Well the answer to that is that the map wasn't perfect, no map will ever be perfect, but there were still things that Sandbox offered that would help make the map even better. After redesigning a few areas of the map to help fix these areas of flaw/problem I forged Reflux. So now onto more about the map itself... *Note the main intentives of this map are for MLG gameplay although it does play rather well with matchmaking weapon-sets. I also have the MLG version of this map posted in the MLG section to be linked along with the MLG Halo 3 Forge Forum Map Pack. Description: Reflux as already stated above is a remake of the Foundry map named Xyience. Reflux is an asymmetrical map made in the Sky Bubble of Sandbox. It has a total of four floors with various routes and elevation changes throughout the map. One of the most important and popular ways to move throughout the map is the teleporter system that sends your from 'Teleporter Room' which is located on the first floor all the way up to 'Catwalk' which is on the fourth floor. While playing Reflux like most maps that have power points, it is key to control these points along with the power weapons around the map. Since Xyience II a few things have changed within the map design of Reflux. The major noticeable changes that were made are the increase in size of the map, the addition of the spawn area known as 'Obelisks', the uncampability of the reciever node, increasing the size of 'Plasma Pistol Tower', adding a ramp from 'Obelisks' to 'Plasma Pistol Tower', and the decrease in strength of 'Street'. While playing the map you will deffinitely notice these changes through appearance and also gameplay. Weapons: 5 Battle Rifles 2 Carbines 6 Plasma Grenades 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Mauler 1 Overshield 1 Needler 1 Plasma Rifle 1 SMG 1 Bubble Shield Gametypes: Team Slayer (BRs) Team Oddball Team King Land Grab (BRs) One Flag (BRs) -->All Updates Will Be Kept In The Bottom Of This Thread<-- Beta to Release Version Screenshots: Overview from Red Side Overview from Blue Side Red Spawn/Teleporter Room Blue Spawn/Blue Street Overview of Plasma Pistol Tower Plasma Pistol Tower and Obelisks Obelisks Overview of Courtyard Overshield Grenade Jump Rocket Stairs Rocket Spawn Walkthrough Video: Reflux Walkthrough Video Gameplay Video: Reserved Additional Information: The original design of the map (Xyience) was tested thoroughly and by thousands of people. I took a lot of their feedback and kept it in mind while forging and designing this map. Due to how much I tested Xyience and already how much I have tested different versions of Reflux I am limiting the amount I will be looking to change the map. The reason being that I know what works and what doesn’t so with this being said if I don’t take your feedback it is nothing personal just what I feel is better for the map. I hope you all get a chance to play and look around the map and after playing the map I would like to hear about the game and your experience on the map. Here is the link to the MLG thread. _____________________ Beta to Release Version: Upside down Obelisk pillar added near the end of Rockets Spawns have been tweaked and adjusted throughout testing
I remember Downloading the original, never did get to actually play any games on it though. (I can never get any people for a good sized party.) When I saw the title I thought, "This must be a Foundry map remake on Sandbox." i guessed correct. I was more than shocked to find out that this was built in the Sky Box. I was expecting this to be in the Crypt. I can't say much on how it plays yet, as I haven't even done a forge through yet, but I will. All I can do is comment on the lovely forging. I would like to ask what was your thought process for building this in the Sky Bubble as opposed to the Crypt where it would be more similar to the Foundry version? Not saying that was a negative move but I'm curious none the less.
I really liked playing this map! It had alot of great aesthetics which made playing on it alot more enjoyable. I first saw this when I saw the H3FF map pack. I was very pleased with the whole outcome of that. Great job to you guys for making that pack so damn sucessful haha.. The playability was great, BRs are very fun to use on Reflux, seriously was worth the download!
Well the main reason I made this map in the Sky Bubble is because when Sandbox first came out the Sky Bubble opened up so many oppurtunities the main opening up the oppurtunity for players to fall off of the map. Nexn (the original designer of Xyience) and I decided to try the map in the Sky Bubble because we thought it would be interesting to see how it played out and also with this new oppurtunity we were also able to fix some of the things Xyience had problems with. Overall I am very happy with how the map turned out and how the ability for players to jump off the map actually plays. Thanks for the support and yes, BR starts are highly reccomended on all possible gametypes because the map was originally designed for MLG Gameplay but that doesn't mean it won't play matchmaking weapon-sets just as well. Yes the map pack really did turn out as a success and that being said I think within the next month or two we should be starting another one so keep your eyes peeled ;].
Perfectly forged! This has to be one of the best maps I have ever seen in the skybubble thus far. From, the original layout, to aesthetics whether it be changing from grass to stone, or that pillar of tubes as aesthics and barrier instead of placing a single block. Everything is perfect down to the weapon and equipment placement. 5/5 great map...I would nominate for a feature but I have no idea how...if u agree with my comment and know how please tell me or do it plz
Xyience is probably my favorite MLG map, and it is definitely up there in my favorite maps of all time. Now, perhaps, Reflux will fill those spots in its place. We all know the standard MLG design. It's that 2-base design that has been recycled and redone so many times. This is definitely a refresher. This map has an ingenious design. The transitions from area to area are great. Power Points and Power Weapons are balanced throughout the map. I cannot recall any major problems the map had. Now in this version, the new element of falling will makes this map even more of a masterpiece. I have not played this version yet, but promise I will.
Thank you. My goal while making this map was to fix anything that was wrong with the Foundry version of the map (Xyience), make the map more appealing, and make everything as clean as possible. I think all of this really shows in the final product of this map and it has gone through a large amount of testing already. This map was finished back in the end of July so I have had plenty of time to test both the matchmaking version and the MLG version. Glad to see you are one to notice the little things because I am the same way... I know it will probably never reach the point of popularity that Xyience did but I can deffinitely say that personally I like the map much more. The reason being that close to everything that had been wrong with the map has been fixed, the map looks much better (even if it doesn't have sexy geo-glitches throughout the map), and it is much larger in size. Hope to hear what you have to say after playing it...
This is a good looking map, but Im suprised that you got away with posting this map in two separate threads. What's a scope approved of this, so I might as well do the same for one of my newer maps. I like the design and the green area is well done along with the arch design. If I were to download the map then Id try doubles. I can't since Im out of live. But I hope it gets the attention it deserves. Obviously, the layout would need close to zero improvement.
Well the only true reason why I even bothered posting the MLG version was because it was part of the H3FF Map Pack so I needed to make a seperate thread and also the map was mainly designed for MLG so I felt implied. The reason I posted the matchmaking weapon-set version is because I know that not too many people like MLG so I decided to post the version of the map which I feel would best suit the community... I haven't actually played a 2v2 only 3v3's or 4v4's I think it would be rather interesting. I think I am actually going to try that soon, the only problem I can find the map having in that situation it would be really easy to hold power points down which could cause an unfair slaughter fest... Thank you, I always saw grass as a very interesting asthetic and I always though that if used correctly it could look really nice (It also helps with saving some budget ;]).
I was looking around this map for the first time in a while and I was wondering if there were any weapon changes people would like to see, if there is any that you would see necessary...? I am mainly from the MLG community so I am not the best with matchmaking weapon-sets... Sorry if this counts as a bump but I would like this question to be answered
Well, this map seems well put together,I hope I see this in the fetured section, now that scetchup program seems quite the bomb there, could someone post me a link to where to get it? 5/5
Thanks, glad you like the map and if you are talking about the sketchup prgram itself... it could be found Here