Murda mayhem

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TH4 IMMIGR4NT, Sep 14, 2009.


    TH4 IMMIGR4NT Ancient
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    Ok, so after i realized that my last map well...sucked, i went on to make a new map. So while this is actually the 7th map i made its only the second i've decided to share

    Use the Dt. Puzzleball Game type here
    Download the Map Variant here

    Start your journey here, but how will u ever get out. You may want to poke yourself till u find out. And then try and return to the start to end your journey. [​IMG]

    This is the hub for the first half of the map. You will need to go through both multiple times in order to get through. [​IMG]

    This room seems rather empty, or is it? Caboose's key may be around here. [​IMG]

    This room is cramped compared to the other but it is still quite as usefull. Church's favorite weapon is useless here, if it was here?!?!?!?!? [​IMG]

    How will u get up there, if only u were healthier. [​IMG]

    That teleporter seems a little suspicious and why is that box open?And how will you get up there?!?!?!?!?!(Turrent is in here, it is not hard to find at all) [​IMG]

    WTF?How are you supposed to cross that gap, and that turrent placed there is stupid, or is it?(look for the shadow of an animal to get up to the turrent)(A gravity defying friend maybe hiding behind a wall) [​IMG]

    A mongoose here, kinda dumb, but oh wait cant a mongoose go through... [​IMG]

    So close but so far, darn that cage, but wait is there something in the distance. [​IMG]

    Hey why is a skull up here, oh yea u were lookin for that right?[​IMG]

    Every object has a reason and every teleporter has a reason. Alright so have fun with it my best time was 8:38 seconds, its not to long but some parts may be challenging.
    Give me some feed back when ya'll are done​
    #1 TH4 IMMIGR4NT, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Dude, this is a good, original map. Too bad you gave away how to finish it. Basically, works on two things; Your clues and your neatness. I see no other problems, however.

    TH4 IMMIGR4NT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank u, I'm trying to build a new one, I won't give away so much next time

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