Far too many blur effects that are easy to produce and only inhibit immersion. The quality of clips did improve as the montage progressed though. Music was meh, i wish people would be more explorative.
i thought it was a very good video. All the clips were amazing and the effectrs were pretty astounding. The only thing that put me off was the song. I thought he could have done better in that portion of his montage.
I couldn't decide what was more amazing, the gameplay or the effects and editing. I loved the effects like the bullets in the visor and the changed up hud, but the editing did go a little over board towards the end. It was like it was meant to cause seizures instead of immerse someone in the gameplay.
I actually really liked. But I'm one who loves tons and tons of editing and the gameplay was good to.
Fragtale's GT is not Fragtale , it's some noob... Fragtale has a different GT, to keep away from spam of messages/invitations.
What the **** is with the annoying ass overlay? Honestly, it only proves how easily susceptible we are to "flashy" effects I suppose. I cheered at 1:47 when the screen shattered and got rid of it, only to have me elevated mood get "shattered" itself when it reappeared in the next cut.
I don't understand it, he got some very great headshots here, but most of it was just cleaning up with his BR. Overall to me, it wasn't that great of a montage.