You guys may not have noticed this, but I was not online for about 5 days due to the fact that my internet connection had a problem. During those days, I made these lol. This will be my last set of this style since it is extremely over-used now CnC pls. (Best IMO) (Worst IMO)
The effect is kinda way overused.....and it really only looks good in the one with the yellow guy on guardian. And with that one, the text could use some help.
3's the best cuz I love the colors, the text... but the background isn't so great. 5 is the worst imo, cuz I can't really tell what's what, and that big.. purple.. splotch that takes up 1/3 the screen is really distracting. Overall: The style's kinda old now, but I like it never-the-less.
I like the bottom armor's color. Although it's gray it's really unique. Only reason I keep hoping they're gonna implement a color picker for armor in Halo, hopefully.
They all look pretty good, but the lightning effects aren't that flowing on most of them. It only really looks good on 1 and 4. They all need a lot more depth.