Just wondering, if so how is it gona work in the exploring region of the campaign? Being able to move the camera freely around a huge city won't work, most of it won't have even loaded.
Some videos of firefight I've seen show a camera view that is definitely theater. Like the one below. Campaign, I guess we'll have to wait and see. YouTube - Halo 3 ODST: Firefight Gameplay
It will be the same thing as Halo 3 campaign. You won't be able to wonder around it will bring you back if you go too far.
Because it makes sense bungie didn't want you to go far away in halo 3 so why wouldn't they in odst. Also if they didn't you would be finding everything easy so thats just my opinion. If I'm wrong I don't care just a opinion.
My opinion is that it will work like the current campaign theater does (as a couple of people have said) and you should be able to wander a good enough distance but not everywhere seeing as only there area you are in will be loaded so I'd assume the farthest you can go is to the edge of the loaded region. I also hypothesise that there will be a few easter eggs for those of us who do actually explore around in theater.
Although there's no certain proof that there is theatre, why would bungie get rid of one of halo 3's most popular feature?. And if you look at some of th pics/videos, most of them look like they had to be taken in theatre. I also noticed in some videos a kind of free flying camera when you die in firefight, and you can fly around watching the action anywhere you want instead of like in H3 infection where if you die with 1 life, you're limited to circling around people. I've only seen this in firefight, not so sure if it'll be in campaign.
im pretty sure that odst will have theatre and i would think firefight would be like MM theatre and campaign like campaign
Yes, ODST has Theatre. And yes, that image right there is legit, I've seen videos of the Menu multiple times. *ODST Menu inside spoiler - don't open if you don't want to see it* Spoiler
Yes ODST does have a theatre mode on both discs. I know a few people with the leaked version and they confirmed this. Its just going to be like Halo 3 theatre mode for campaign, no rewind and limited distance away from charecter. Unless you pan cam.
Theres proof, Ive seen it, and here it is. [3:30] youtube is being incredibly dumb. YouTube - Halo 3: ODST - E3 Demo, Pt. 3
Well in the most recent ViDoc "Terra Incognita" they talk about how they went about creating the giant city. And they said they had built "sectors" (thats not what they called them i just cant remember what they called them) and basically to move from sector to sector you move through a large door, and as you pass through them it will load the new sector. So you can probaly only fly around the sector that the rookie is presently in.
So what happens when you're not Rook? Just pointing that out, you meant to say "the ODST you're playing atm" I hope. They better have some easter eggs for Theatre.
so what you'll view the sector that the Rookie is in, not Dare or Dutch or Buck or Mickey or Romeo's sector of the city?
No theatre will be just like theatre in the halo 3 campaign. Because when playing as the other members of your squad the missions are not open world they are much more linear.