Nice Drums, MC looks like a retard though. xD Whats up with Arbiter killing Cpt. MacTavish? I mean, C`MON! MacTavish isn't even in Halo. Pfft... Uhh, are one of your drumsticks broken? Looks pointy.. Lightsource looks way too bright on the Recon Pic. Crop the very right side of the Green Sig w/Elite. I can't read the text on the 1st Recon Sig D: EDIT : The arbiter looks like a Monkey/Brute combined. o-o NOTE/EDIT : This wasn't really a CNC. LOL R3T4RD MC looks like the best sig iMO.
Come one guys, it's Sergeant Forge. Jeez. Nice drums...oooh shiny. The texts you got on the elite and recon guy is eye shattering.
Nice drums, are one of the sticks broken I like the first one, the background is awesome and the chiefs pose is great.
Love the fourth, you HAVE to show me how to make text like that. In the halo wars one, i would suggest you remove the brush stroke from near sgt. forge's head. Great work!
Yeah the three ones after the first were all like messing around. And yeah those were my sticks one snapped but I got some Travis Barker Signature series ones. Thanks.