Barren Creek Created by xX BtR Chaos Xx Supported Gametypes: All gametypes Map Description Barren Creek is a very accurate remake of the Halo 2 classic, Beaver Creek. Lets start off with the scale. Barren Creek isn't too big or too small, its just right. I took a stopwatch and walked across Beaver Creek so i could record how long it took to get from one side to the other. I aslo did this for the width, length of the bases, width of the bases, and so on. Then, I went into forge and walked across the empty floor of Sandbox until I reached the time I had previously recorded. But I know what your thinking, the players speed has slightly changed in Halo 3 so your measurements will be off. This may be true but if the all of the timings in Barren Creek are the same as in Beaver Creek, they will still play the same regardless if they aren't the exact same size. Next up is the respawn points and weapons. I really wanted my map to feel and play like Beaver Creek, so can you guess what I did? Thats right, I committed suicide over and over again in Halo 2 and wrote down the all spawn points on this little handy dandy Beaver Creek blue print i drew. Do you know how long it took to get all those spawn points? Talk about dedication. All of the weapons that were in Beaver Creek are aslo in Barren Creek, and they're even angled the same way too! In case you're wondering, yes all of the spawn times are the same also. Other and the needlers which have become extreamely more powerful, and the overshield which has changed as well. Oh yeah and the rockets and sniper which in Halo 2 had respawn times of over 3 minutes, making it impossible to get the same. Last but not least is accuracy. I spent months getting just about each and every detail I could find in Beaver Creek. Although my river has no water, it still dips down approximately the same amount as in Halo 2. Plus, I don't think a creek that is "barren" would have any water in it. Don't know what barren means? Well I'm pretty has just what you're looking for. Lets talk about the bases. Both bases are almost identical to the ones in Beaver Creek. They may be the same on the inside, but when it comes to the outside, they're a whole different person. The red base has a pillar on each end of the front with ramps in the middle, and and the higher portion in the back is slanted. The blue base however, has one central pillar in the front with a ramp on each end, and the higher portion in the back is straight. Wanna hear about the side ramps? The red/rocket ramp is slightly shorter than the opposing one. If you don't want to equip yourself with that tiny magnum then you're just one jump away from getting your hands on that big and shiny rocket launcher. The blue/sniper ramp is a bit higher up than the one across from it. Here you can find yourself a nice and cozy sniper rifle with an extended amount of room thats perfect for camping! Now for the arch, you know that giant rock thingy that's in the middle of the map. This bad boy starts, stops, and curves just like it did in Halo 2. There have been many attempts to make such a map, but from what I have seen there are not any outstanding ones, until now. Overview Red Base Blue Base Birds Eye View Red Interior Blue Interior Sniper Ramp Rocket Ramp Well thats about it. If you liked what you saw then click on the link below. Thanks alot guys, xX BtR Chaos Xx Download Barren Creek
I like the map, even though i never played on beaver creek but from the way you made it look, i kinda wish that i did. The map is a pretty good size and you did very good interlocking and placement.. Keep up the good work
Wow. Aesthetic=5/5. The similarity and the preciseness on such a large scale amazes me. THIS type of forging it what gets features. May I recommend a V2 though, with some cleaning up(interlocking, etc.) I'll download and check it out though. Any future plans/remakes?
I will second the wow. I played beaver creek a lot and this is so close it is utterly astounding. You payed painstaking attention to detail I can tell because your effort shows. I will be honest I saw the name and thought to myself "Great another crappy remake of a good map gone bad..." but this surprised me greatly. Awesome job at getting the tunnels of the bases made. You are the first I know of to take the time to raise the floor to make room for them. I cannot express enough how good of a job I think you did in just effort alone. kudos!
Not to burst your bubble buddy, but this has been done.... Infact, I believe that a remake of this received a "Best of Forge" award.... Its called "Ber Ber Creek"...
I would say that with a map such as this one you could rase it up to the "roof" of the main floor. that way you dont have to make the walls crazy high up you could just add in a barrier to the top of your map so you make sure there can not be any cheating. Other then that this is a great remake and i hope you make a v2.
Oh my gosh, it's the end of the world that someone made another remake! We can't have too many, they'll all explode! If you like that remake, use it. I like this one better than the other one, that one sucked. Congratulations, you've made an awesome, detailed remake. Hope it plays like the Halo 2 version aswell. Still, worried about the limits. Even with 2 blocks it is still easy to escape.
Sadly, i will always lump all remakes until they have the little tricks i spent so much time trying to memorize in halo 2, like being able to knock the rocket launcher to myself from inside the base with a well placed grenade. when you pull that off i will be truly impressed. Until then, you will have to deal with the fact that you have one of the best remakes of beaver creek.
Good map is good. The accuracy and attention to detail I believe may beat Ber Ber, but it's a definite good fight to see. You can clearly tell how much effort the creator put into the map, and after playing it, I can say I enjoyed it nearly as much as the original. Particularly good was Team Flag BRs and Team Snipers...they really embodied the old times I used to have on Beaver Creek back in the day.
this is pretty impressive. i downloaded and did a forge through and i was quite impressed. however, you might wanna take a few more hours and clean up some spots. it could use some better interlocking behind the bases and on the blue side ramp leading up to the snipes there is a pretty big gap on the wood bridge. as of right now, the map is pretty good because you got the layout and feel of beaver creek (lol beaver) down pretty well. with a little clean up, v2 will be a must have in any custom map library. good job man.
This does look amazingly accurate, i hate to say it but your accuracy beats ber ber creek. But as already stated the little bumps are a *****, also may i suggest for the v2 do it in the crypt you can use 2 of the default walls that way you have the money to raise the other 2 or maybe just one if you use 3 sides of the crypt. But definetly great remake. 5/5 for accuray pretty nice forging and the sheer fact that people who have played games on it said it plays much like the original.
Great job! This map is one of my favorites from both halo:CE and halo 2. Did you remember the teleporters? You didn't mention anything about them... Guess I'll just have to download and see. Everything looks very similar to that of the old maps. I would be able to look at this map and say it is a remake of Beaver Creek easily. I can't believe that you spent the time to find where every spawn point is and which way it faces even! That requires 110% effort right there and this map deserves a 10/10 for attention to the details and how close this looks to Beaver creek.
This looks like an amazing remake, but like a lot of the people above me, I think you need to go in and clean some of the things up. Just the fact that you went in and found all the spawns and weapon spawns (time and position) shows that you are dedicated to your work. Might I suggest doing another remake.
Wow this looks awesome, DLing for now my live account is on my friends box so ill play and get back. this looks nice and neat, and exactly like beaver creek! 5/5 so far!
i loved beaver creek and this is as spot on as your gonna get, perfect forging, perfect aesthetics and therefore perfect gameplay. as satan says, you probs wont be able to do the same little tricks but that doesnt matter, very good work
Wow this is just purely amazing, it was definatley worth the download. It looked exactly like beaver creek the only thing that i didnt like was that it wasnt quite the same feel. Nothing you can do about that at all, its just that i like it less sandy and boring and more colorful. But with the tools you have, you did a great job. The pictures even prove how accurate it is and playing team snipes on this was really fun! Thanks for making the map dude, you did good
Nice map man! I played a couple of games on it last night, and my friends all really liked it too. I really liked Ber Ber creek, but my friends didn't, which meant I never really got to play it. But now I'll be able to work that Beaver all I want! Keep up the good work.
That's pretty impressive. The attention to detail makes this better than Ber Ber Creek, in my opinion. I'm really hoping that gameplay doesn't disappoint. I'll post a gameplay review once I get a few games going on here. I have high hopes.