[aname=Top].[/aname] [jumpto=The Tavern]go to the tavern[/jumpto] [jumpto=The Temple]go to the temple[/jumpto] [jumpto=Suberbia]go to suberbia[/jumpto] Running Chron's "In The Shadows" old school map pack spectacular... http://youtube.com/watch?v=nHmYpBkn9i4 Basically these are maps that I made when I first started to forge, the estate and azn ftw gave me the inspiration to actually start... These maps have been in my repituar forever and I have finally decided to release them, and how else but to release them in one map pack... When I first started to forge, the only thing that I forged were maps for the "in the shadows" infection game type. If your not familiar with "in the shadows" then come out of your cave and check out these maps! [aname=The Tavern].[/aname] "in the shadows" *Check out the bar scene in this old school epic re-make of a tavern / bar, I know most of you are to young to appriciate the bar scene so here you will be equipped with a bar, several pool tables, a love seat / TV, upstairs attic, and of course a crouch basement with three exits... Find your hiding spot because this intense experience is made only for in the shadows... The tavern... [aname=The Temple].[/aname] *This church is also one of my old school maps, it was originally a remake of the demotic church in exorcist the beginning, in the movie they unveiled this church on a dig site, which is shown it the second picture... once inside the church you will find that you are not alone, demons will attack from all direction. Plenty of hiding spots in this map, and it is also ready to go for and epic one bomb, or one flag game... The Temple... *Welcome to my house, well not really but this is my first "in the shadows" map that I ever made, The house is kind of small on the inside so your going to have be creative if you want a good hiding spot on this map, there are however lots of shafts leading in and out, plus and air shaft on top of the house, so infected could be coming from any direction, fun for "in the shadow" however one bomb and one flag are also compatible... [aname=Suberbia].[/aname] suberbia... Check out the video at the top for a full tour of each map... [jumpto=Top]go to the top[/jumpto] [jumpto=The Tavern]go to the tavern[/jumpto] [jumpto=The Temple]go to the temple[/jumpto] [jumpto=Suberbia]go to suberbia[/jumpto]
Looks pretty cool man. The best one looks like tavern. The temple looks too open and same with suberbia. This is the first in the shadows map pack i've seen though so congratz on that first.
your right... That is precisely why the temple, and suberbia are compatible with bomb and ctf, the taven is ideal for in the shadows... There are so many places to hide in the temple though, it might be my fav... There are a few good hiding spots shown in the video but a lot of them are not... In the shadows on the temple can take a long time if zombies don't help zombies... Shafts is still probably my best in the shadows map, but these are my old school favs... They are not badly made considering they were my first maps, I just never released them... And remember in every in the shadows map you will get better every time, since you must know the map.... thanks for the comments, keep em coming.. I was afraid that nobody would see this because I don't think many people even go into the casual map section anymore... running
Very nice i remember testing some of these map.I goto say for best gameplay would be the temple,most fast paced map would be the tavern and the suberbia one for most aesthetic touches. 4/5.
Zomg, nice. I've always wanted to play in a church/temple. That's all I think about at church. LOL. Nice job.
Thanks, I would say that the temple is more aesthetic only because its the latest one I made, although It was still 3 months ago, it would probably be the most well made... Still when I went and actually looked back there was a lot of stuff that needed to be fixed because I basically knew nothing about forge at the time... There is only crouching if you want to go into the basement, I am a big fan of crouch basements, but I know that some people are not... I made it so that you could actually feel like your in a church...
I know right, Its one of my favorite songs.. The video messed up in the end a little because my editor keeps freezing up on me for some reason, but its still a great video so if anyone hasn't checked it out they should...
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