Does anyone know where to find the map where there were two elephants suspended in mid-air by teleporters at the top of Sandtrap with scattered vehicles at the bottom of which people used to get up? Thanks~
What is a mod? Placing elephants in the air? It is easy to do, all you need are some teleporters, weapon holders, etc. and something to bring up the elephant like a Scorpion tank. Sorry if you were talking about the three elephants, I meant only two, it's fixed.
Really? I've never heard that before. That's too bad, it was a good map, too. Oh well, thread is useless now. Requesting lock.
Well there is a map where you can fly an Elephant. Its called Mammoth but I don't think it was ever posted on FH. I'll check
I have a map like mammoth in my signature. It is called sky wars. You control the elephants and fly them around. They are not suspended in mid air though.